Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Failing, Losing and Winning

We don’t encourage people to be creative. Rarely, do we ask people to do something meaningful.
We spend far more time telling folks:
·        No- you can’t.
·        You have no experience.
·        Somebody else has already done it.
·       Nobody's ever done it.
·        You don’t have the money, education or time.
·        It won’t work.
·        You better get permission.
·        I’d talk with a lawyer first.
And the ultimate sabotage responses:
·        You’ll fail.
·        You’ll never make it.
·        You’ll go broke and starve.
·        You won’t be able to survive.
·        You’ll die.
How often do we say- “That’s a great idea, I think you should go for it?”
That’s what I thought.
We shoot someone’s hope, dream and possible future down quickly. If everyone followed our own fearful advice, there’d be no electricity, surgeons, automobiles, medicine, clean water or technical device to read this blog.
Somehow, I believe we can do better. We allow fear to keep us from doing the very things we need to do. Persuading others through our own inadequacies and lack of insight to do nothing ensures we never step out of our comfort zone, make progress or change the world.
Failing is a far better gift than doing nothing.
Losing is a lesson in improvement.
And winning is the opportunity to start over again!
Don’t listen to the advice of naysayer’s, family members or best friends. Live your dreams. Seek out those who encourage your goals. Surround yourself with positive people who transcend hope, imagination and fuel your passion to persist with excellence.
 We’ve only got today and it’s our chance to do-
 Something Meaningful that Matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newtown, Connecticut- We feel your loss!

Words can’t describe the numbness felt upon hearing the news of the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. 20 first-grade students and 7 adults mercilessly gunned-down by pure evil. Innocent children taken from their families and loved-ones.

What kind of sick individual guns down his own defenseless mother, school children and teachers?

 Some were hero’s laying down their own lives attempting to stop the carnage and save the children. Other school personnel did save many lives, unscathed from gunfire, but emotionally scarred from something so evil, no child should ever witness.

Our heavy hearts, prayers and thoughts are with the children, family and friends of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Your grief is our grief. Your loss is our loss.

May the Lord grant you peace, comfort and wisdom in your healing process. Those hearts and little souls are in a far better safe place. A place that is safe from pain, sorrow, sickness and death. Rejoice in the fact you will one day be united again!

My wife and I extend our deepest sympathy to all of you in Newtown Connecticut.  


Jim and Jane Carver

Friday, December 14, 2012

10 reasons- Why You Should read This Book!

10 reasons why you should read the book:

1.  It was written from the heart.

2.  It is a success story. We get bombarded daily with bad news stories; it’s time to read something positive!

3.  It was written to honor a friend and outstanding organization.

4.  It is an enjoyable, interesting read of winning, losing, pride, joy, sweat, laughter, and tears.

5.  It is a timeless story of visionary leadership and motivation.

6.  It provides key principles for any individual or group to become successful and improve their lives.

7.  It will make you want to read it again and again.

8.  It has pictures of pretty girls and students wearing funny shaped hats.

9.  It's something you owe to yourself to read.

10.  It's- Something Meaningful that Matters!

25% Christmas Discount

 Send a check or money order for $24.00 (includes snail mail delivery) to:
Paradiddle Publishing
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 Order from this website (on the right side of page)!
This book is the perfect gift for a current music student, ex-band member or simply anyone who wants to be inspired by motivation, perseverance, innovation and success. Most importantly, it’s about the impact one person can make within other’s lives.  

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Surveys- The Art of telling a Story?

For decades we wondered why survey results were somewhat hidden criteria. We scratched our heads wondering why the obvious issues weren’t addressed. Why employ consultants to be the middle man, wouldn’t a standard form with the right questions be quicker, accurate, cost effective and worthy? If some glaring issues needed to be resolved surely management could correct the situation.
Being naïve was the first mistake when we bought into the purpose of the survey.
The truth is surveys are a tool to gage how effective the organizations marketing campaign is perceived. Identifying what works and what needs tweaked. Surveys aren’t designed to identify your likes or dislikes. They don’t value your opinion, care about you or your needs.
It’s about perception and persuasion and buying into a story. It’s never been about fair, right or wrong.
The questions are skewed based on the marketing agenda. The consulting firm can offer suggestions on how to improve the organizational message. After implementation this ensures the same consultant group is brought back to follow-up with the next survey. Chances are improvement will be part of the results, once again ensuring the effectiveness of the organization and the consulting firm.
If the consultants can show desired output it’s a win-win situation for everybody.
Well not quite everybody.
When organizations settle for the outcome addressed on a typical roadside billboard, newspaper advertisement or media commercials the real story is never conveyed.
This is the reason most people forego Internet online marketing surveys- it provides no usefulness to the individuals needs.
Besides, we already know it’s a waste of time.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Connect the Dots!

The Industrial Age was always about control. Control has kept us fighting in every conceivable way to enforce their will over humanity. The MC, Ringmaster, referee and manager were hand-picked to manipulate the desired results for the “Big Kahuna”.
Control allows no compromise, variation or opportunity to pick door #3. No chance to stand-out, raise the bar or do great things. The sooner you comprehend this message; the sooner you’ll stop feeling like the ball inside a pinball machine.
Take risks, challenge the status quo, think outside the box and don’t settle for rhetoric, quick fixes or mediocrity.
Embrace this time knowing we are on the cusp of change. In the post-industrial age you have a responsibility to create something remarkable, significant and inspiring.
Connect the dots.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters! 

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What if…..

What if we gave you the tools to change the world?

What if you suddenly realized you have the ability and permission to do the impossible?

What If we could cure disease, prevent wars and feed the hungry?

We can.

Today, we have the tool- the Internet.

We possess the most powerful resource known to modern man.

It’s time we do something serious and life-changing.

It’s your chance to leave a legacy, find your destiny and opportunity to do-

Something meaningful that really matters!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Will Christmas push you over a Fiscal Cliff?

One of the largest problems in our Government is debt. The current rage in our Nation’s capital is focused on debt relief for our country, before we fall off the “fiscal cliff.” With the approaching Christmas holiday, how many shoppers are struggling with personal debt? Our Government has imaged itself after its citizens; mortgaging our future to become slave to the lender.

The notion that somehow we can stay ahead of the impending train wreck is wishful thinking. Memories of 911, the recession and other economic factors should have been a wake-up call for us, but many folks continue to charge and dig themselves deeper in debt.

Sadly, many people are living from paycheck to paycheck, charging repairs, large expenses, trips and Christmas gifts. A risky business in today’s world; just to keep up a tradition at any cost. Unfortunately, we live in a society that justifies spending based on our emotions, and desires. After all, everybody we know does it and we must keep up with the Jones’s.

The only problem is the Jones’s are broke too!

This year my family won’t be purchasing gifts and yes it will be strange; due to our debt and the fact my wife was laid-off in June. So we will get together with family, have a traditional meal and count our blessings.

Jesus is the reason we should be celebrating, not how many gifts or how many cool toys we received. We’ve basically eliminated having to deal with Black Friday, snarling shoppers and traffic jams along with the accompanied stress of purchasing decisions.

Less stress, demand and financial pain sounds like a good plan.

Somehow, after avoiding our own “fiscal cliff” our attitude must change. Borrowing into oblivion is not the solution. Getting out of debt is the only answer. Living a façade to impress others is foolish, stressful and unnecessary.

Just don’t wait for a magic cure from our Government. Moving the cliff only delays the pain. It’s up to you to climb the mountain or scale the cliff.

Living debt free is the only freedom for a stable future.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.