Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2013

No Longer A Victim!

Once I understood the history and reasoning of fear the Industrial Age uses to control and leverage the common man; life has become less stressful. I no longer feel like a victim or sacrificial guinea pig. The tactics that once wrecked my day are just a speed bump in my rearview mirror. The power, I once allowed to rule my thoughts, decisions and health (while constantly wondering: “Why would you do that to someone”); no longer terrorizes my life.

In a world of profound technical advancement, it boggles the mind how organizations perpetuate terror through fear without the realization of human feelings or thought of an objective view. Organizations operating in the Industrial Age believe their purpose negates everyone and everything in relevance to their own agenda. Power corrupts from within and slowly those organizations are dying. The idea that “we will get whatever we want” doesn’t resonate nearly with as much value today.
We’ve been surrounded by this machine-type presence all of our lives. The Internet has made us aware of the ‘dirty deals’, ‘golden parachutes’, and lobbying to maintain power. The Internet is the voice of transparency in a cluttered world. We no longer have to wait for the newspaper to arrive or the 6 o’clock news.
The voice of the people is easily spread through real-time tweets, Facebook and instant messaging anywhere in the world. This has given the leverage back to the people. Public opinion has the ability to go ‘viral’ and bring a company to its knees overnight.
Why would organizations create a toxic work environment as business model?
·        It’s profitable.

·        They can.

·        It’s been this way for years.

·        They know no other way.
Those businesses enthralled deep into the Industrial Age are clutching their fists in an attempt to hang-on to the last dance. The barbaric/Neanderthal use of fear to captivate their employees is all that remains to justify their worth, power and control. The very system that told us to be flexible, accept change and be open to new ideas; is unable to adapt!
 Ironic- isn’t it?

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What the System Doesn't Want You to Know!

It’s funny when situations don’t get rubber stamped for the industrialized system. Those folks have wielded so much power by having their way for 4 generations. Everyone should understand their position of authority, need and circumstance. Few without representation bother to speak-out, stand-up or say “no."

The system has managed to exhort their influence through all of our lives by way of education, government, laws, culture, agencies, associations and committees. Industrialization became so powerful, everyone sold-out in order to placate the few and reap some profit. Unions were formed to improve labor conditions and balance the industrial agenda.
Eventually greed and power would be the crack in the system to seek even cheaper ways to make a widget. Mass production was built on cheap and affordable products available to nearly everyone, so production shifted overseas. Jobs were lost, factories closed, while organizations lost power. A system built upon holding the hostage of people, economic stability and governance weakened considerably.
This is what the system doesn’t want you to know. It doesn’t want you to have a voice, idea or opinion. It will tell you- it doesn’t matter, you don’t count and nobody is listening. It attempts to operate like it is 1958 and it owns and controls everything, including you.
The only card the industrialized corporations have in their arsenal is fear. The promises of owning a new home, a car or sending your kids to college is off the table. The chance of retiring comfortably is even questionable. We are now seeing wages and benefits diminish in the race to reach the bottom.
Our only option is to slowly sink, start our own business or perhaps create an entire movement based upon connecting with people.
As the system continues to flounder in its own excess of greed and power, people realize the loyalty, sweat, obedience and conformity is a waste of dignity, ideas, goals and dreams. The single most effective way to build a following is too stand-up for your own beliefs and rights. This is what the Industrial system fears the most. Rebellion signals the end of compliance.
The challenge isn’t to do what we’ve been doing better. The real challenge is to question where we’ve been and where we’re going. The only requirement is bravery; it’s far riskier to stay trapped as a cog. So, make a ruckus, follow your dreams and create a movement that inspires change.
 It’s only then; we can do something meaningful for people who care and do something for those that really matter!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The American Spirit!

Photo courtesy of: The U.S. Army.

“Those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to govern over them”   
    - Steven Pressfield

We have two main political parties in the USA.
One group believes the government should take care of the poor and provide prosperity. The other group of people wants less government involvement for assistance to run their lives and businesses.

Both groups are making the same mistake by believing someone else (the government) makes or breaks our existence.
There is a third choice.

The truth is- we as individuals do have power.
When you wait for a political choice to “fix” any situation you’re wasting valuable time.

 Many Americans have innovated our history, entire industries and sports  without waiting or relying on approval, new law's or a tax break.
Samuel Colt changed how the West was won with one simple patent. Paul Brown successfully improved player’s equipment and changed the way football was played by creating his own coaching methods. Roger Penske worked outside the rules to win races and incorporate new automobile innovations. Bethany Hamilton didn’t rely on government healthcare for assistance.
Better to forge ahead, make progress and find a way.

When given no other option- the American Spirit sets the new standard!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Power of Believing in Someone!

While attending a funeral, I spoke with the Pastor prior to the services. We discussed the importance of the power of belief in our fellow man. The value of belief can be unmeasurable and is magnified throughout history in stories of success with life changing results . Here is one example of the powerful lesson of belief. 

 The Pastor told me a story of a music instructor that took him under his wing and taught the young man how to play an instrument. The young man had transferred between several different school systems during elementary and junior high school and was unable to play a note or read music.

One day the music instructor called him into the office. He said to the student: “You don’t know how to make a sound out of your instrument do you?” The student shook his head. The director promised free lessons, providing he practiced and made a solid effort. The director also informed the student that one day- a favor would be asked in return. The student agreed to the proposal.

The kid was in awe. Someone actually believed in him and was willing to take the time to teach the skills necessary to play his instrument.

The young student attended the lessons, practiced daily and progressed. He enjoyed performing with the band and establishing friendships within the band program.

Then one day the director called the student into his office. The student thought he was in trouble. The director said: “Remember when we made the agreement- I would provide you with free lessons and one day a favor would be asked?” The student nodded his head.  The director continued: “Well, this summer you will be a freshmen and I want you to go to band camp and play in the marching band.”

The student was ecstatic. Once again, someone believed in him enough to mentor him and provide encouragement. The student participated in various music activities during his four years of high school. Discipline, leadership and perseverance were taught in the music program.

Had it not been for the band director, the student would have quit band and perhaps followed the wrong crowd. He may have never felt the inspiration of someone believing in him.

Today, Dr. Dave Atkins leads a ministry rescuing orphaned babies and children in Thailand. A majority of the ministry is spent rescuing young girls from a life of prostitution. Many of the young girls contract AIDS and die by the age of fourteen due to the sex slave trade market in Thailand, a corrupted Government and Western tourism. It’s a daily human meat market in Thailand.

Warning: Some may find this video offensive or shocking, but it serves a valid point against the degradation of children involved in the barbaric sex slave trade industry.

 Dr. David Atkins is providing many of those little souls with their first real hope of opportunity in life and saving the lives of boys and girls.

All because one man- David A. Wells; believed in him.

That is the power of believing in someone.

 It touches lives and produces a domino effect.

Provide hope and inspiration to someone today. It is priceless!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.