Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't Stop Believin'

 While writing and self-publishing my last book, instead of receiving positive remarks many of the comments were negative. People don’t want you to attempt to do what they don’t have the patience or interest to do.

Those sometimes well-meaning comments were tough on me because I was doing something meaningful for myself and my core audience. Those naysayers could have been roadblocks, despite the hurt- I forged ahead.

I accomplished my goal and succeeded in realizing I could create a future platform of income simply by persisting in my desire to do something meaningful.

Those same people now say: “I can’t believe you did that. I couldn’t have done it.”

The truth is those folks won’t take the time, do the research or take a chance of doing something they’ve never done before. They’ve convinced themselves to accept mediocrity.

It’s easy to live a daily routine and never challenge yourself. Living in the Rust Belt has taught us to follow the instruction manual. We aren’t supposed to step outside the box or think for ourselves. We might fail and in the process actually learn something new and discover we are capable of doing things we never thought possible.

No, we’re better off shackled to a job we hate in order to survive, until we are no longer useable or have too much tenure; then we are tossed to the curb and replaced with a younger employee.

I believe there is a huge difference between surviving and living. The difference between living your dreams and living to dream is distinct. Living in the Rust Belt has stolen the dreams for many over the years and all that remains is a broken spirit.  

 The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.” - Chinese proverb

I no longer accept “side offers” or wish to join someone’s fantasy league. I refuse to allow anyone to derail my plans or break my spirit.

In the months ahead, I will accomplish many new goals to help those in need of turning their lives around. The need for hope in the Rust Belt is great and the chance to start a new journey and assist people in creating opportunity in their lives is exciting!  

Stay tuned for more information in another upcoming blog.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!


  1. Each blog I post, I usually publish thinking ,"Well, if nothing else it was therapeutic to write." I am always surprised when others appreciate it. You never know how God will use your efforts. Press on, good job.

  2. Thank you for your kind words. You are correct, things unexpected come when least expected. Jim
