Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fly like an Eagle

Living in the Rust Belt has taught us a valuable lesson. The odds of working at one company throughout our entire career are about as likely as pigs learning to fly.

With the economy suffering, many people are unemployed. What better time to start your own business?

Photo used courtesy of: Ricymar Fine Art Photography. 
Starting a business can be simple. Just figure out a need and deliver the results. Just offer a simple need that people are looking for in their daily lives. I know it sounds easy, but it’s true.

Now here’s the tricky part:

Whatever you decide to do- do it better than anyone else. Take the time to reflect on how you can provide something and add enough value to the service to make yourself stand-out! Impressing your customers goes a long way with referrals and loyalty.

If you want to be successful and compete against existing business you must do something the competition doesn’t do.

Marketing yourself is crucial for your starting your own business. Figure out your niche business and how to reach your clientele. Perhaps business cards or flyer's might be all that you need. Internet sources such as experienced professionals, group forums, Google searches or associated organizations are among those who can provide useful information. Don’t be afraid to steal an idea.

Feel free to email me with any questions you have.

Persistence and time are your friends in this process. Stand by their side and you will eventually prosper.

Perhaps you will need a simple website to get started. Google and WordPress offer free access to building your own website. Another option would be to hire someone to create a site specific for your needs or purchase a premium site through WordPress.org.

There are many excellent books and social media sites available to pickup tips, facts and provide education for entrepreneurship, creating websites and marketing with social media.
Author: Chris Guillebeau

 The $100 Startup has a wealth of great start-up ideas and solid time-tested methods towards achieving success. Many of the entrepreneurs discussed in the book started with $100.00 or less to create their own income or small business. Chris keeps things simple within a do-able formula to launch your idea.

I can’t think of a better time to experience the freedom of being an entrepreneur. Immerse yourself in learning how to create a future income in something you love to do. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune; require multiple college degrees or an army of employees and an array of real estate.

The educational opportunity alone is priceless.
Besides, why wait for pigs to fly when you can fly like an Eagle today!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!


  1. Encouragement can be the best investment you can make in someone else's business. Keep up the good work. Often we have what we need and just don't think we are worth the risk until someone adds their faith to yours. I linked through Blogger. Hope to see you back in the paper after the transition. Be blessed.

  2. Thank you so much for your continued support and kind words.I am glad you share the same philosophy. Thanks for linking, I will do the same and the state of the local newspaper should be interesting!I know you are blessed!
    Take Care,
