Showing posts with label Mik Ballard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mik Ballard. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Who says- Rust Never Sleeps?

It was very encouraging to read Sunday’s articles appearing in the Mansfield News Journal concerning the entrepreneurs and the fact that North Central State College is offering certification classes for anyone interested.
Equally important is the role Braintree (based in Mansfield, Ohio) has taken by offering workspace, loans and business ideas to those starting a small business.

We are very fortunate in the Rust Belt of Ohio to have two possible sources for those considering launching their own startup business. I plan on seeking more information from both institutions and witnessing the excitement.

Mik Ballard and Carol Davis are living their dream producing “Mixblues Sauces.” A recipe and a kitchen was enough to make their idea become reality. The tasty sauces Mik and Carol create are stocked at local grocery stores and have customers overseas. Summer is a great time to try their sauces on the grill!

Former GM employee- Belinda Morgan has a unique startup idea entitled “Dreamsby offering custom built woodwork and allowing the customer to pick the type of wood and choose their own design. This is the type of business that can’t be performed overseas in mass manufacturing.  This could be a very lucrative business!

Ricardo Upchurch is already a startup entrepreneur with his own business- “Sweet Treats Down Memory Lane” located on West Fourth Street in downtown Mansfield, Ohio.  I need to visit his shop soon (don’t tell my dentist), my sweet tooth is calling!
Some of the entrepreneurs attending NCSC or Braintree will need loans or cash to start their businesses, others will require little financially. With the internet and the opportunity to network throughout different communities and cultures, 7-days a week, 24-hours a day, some will be amazed at the possibilities of earning a nice income.

As society moves to a post-industrial era, I believe the future lies with entrepreneurs and small businesses. Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated is now the largest employer in the USA. What a difference from 1972, when General Motors was the largest employer in the USA.

Today the world is different. The days of obtaining a high-paying manufacturing job is no longer part of the equation. The core of our future prosperity lies within those who dare to start something unique, original or different from the status quo.

Understanding the advantage in offering real life skills and useful resources in entrepreneurship is a huge step at North Central State College and Braintree in Mansfield, Ohio.

The opportunity for future entrepreneurs and small start-up businesses to absorb information, share ideas and prosper is our future.

My hat’s off to all of the entrepreneurs, the business startups, NCSC and Braintree.

 I wish you nothing but success in all of your future endeavors!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!