Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2012

What is your Company Culture?

Do you work for a company that operates out of fear? Do you report to work wondering if you will be laid off today? Does the mindset appear to be:  keep your head down… don’t look up… don’t ask any questions or else…work harder? Start a few timely rumors and keep the workers in a flux. This is the ultimate corporate recipe for disaster.

Photo courtesy of : laverrue.
Some companies keep their work force in fear for their jobs. They believe if they control their workers emotions the business will benefit from increased job performance. Too often, Management equates fear with power. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Businesses that choose to operate in this manner eventually burn people out and they seek employment elsewhere. This old fashion industrial-age method increases costs to the employer through constantly hiring and retraining replacement workers. Morale bottoms out and affects everyone, including your customers. Once customer service is affected your company is in the tank.
Fear is never a good motivator for any organization. People loose respect for an organization and lose sight of what truly matters. Anyone can walk into a business and within a few minutes of observing employee attitudes determine if a healthy work environment exists.

Fear erodes your business reputation from the inside-out!
Great businesses stand out immediately and the vibe is exciting, which extends to the customers.

The fact is… if your business operates using fear as the motivational tool; the problems are far more serious and deeper than how your employees are treated!

What is your company culture?

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells-The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!