Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The 12 Steps of a Dysfunctional Business

1. The System creates the rules.

2.   If you have a question, ask us.

3. We create rules, but we don’t discern right from wrong.

4. We are not responsible for enforcing the rules.

5.   If you don’t believe so, ask us.

6. The enforcement is up to whoever chooses to follow or interpret.   .

7. Management is always correct and not responsible.

8. We just create the rules.

9.   If you don’t understand the rules- neither do we.

10. We just make the rules.

11. If you don’t believe us we will find someone who does!

12. If we cannot find someone to agree- see step one.

Until We Meet Again, Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on The Rust Belt Chronicles contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Who Builds The Road to Success?

"You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want"- Zig Ziglar 

I've noticed in discussions concerning being successful, one of the obstacles often shared is the attempt to diminish the desire of someone from becoming successful.

It’s a roadblock between taking the leap and doing what you did yesterday. The belief in your desire is an advantage towards climbing the steps to success.

Yet, we let one opinion or more dissuade us and prevent us from becoming what we were meant to be. We have given others the power to approve our present and future. Why?

Whatever happened to “the little engine that could?

Why don’t friends and family  share our enthusiasms, dreams and ideas? 

10 Reasons- Why others don’t support our ideas:  

1.     Fear
2.     Lack of Interest (their lack of interest)
3.     Risk
4.     Change
5.     Envy
6.     Competition
7.     Jealousy
8.     Growth
9.     Financial Gain (for them or us)
10. Lack of Knowledge (their lack of knowledge)


Whose Got Your Back?

All ten reasons are beneficial to our growth as a person. The educational and personal experience substantially offset the risks of most ideas. Even failing helps us to grow and improve ourselves.
Risk has always offered a larger reward. Doing something scarce drastically increases income. Competition pushes us to excel and succeed. It separates us from the pack and quantifies goals.

Fear keeps us from moving forward and people know how vulnerable we are to fear. Does the fear represent someone being worried about our relationship changing? Who owns the fear- you or them?

Some folks just don’t want someone to accomplish something they can't. Perhaps the people you are seeking approval from believe they are higher up the social ladder. If you often seek their advice, this could be the case.

People like the comfort of feeling they are in control. The truth is- only if we choose to relinquish our control. Giving someone else the power to alter or decide our finances, life or career is unwise.

Do we value an opinion because it is in our best interests or theirs? Is our decision based on their income or wealth? Do they share any common knowledge or perhaps the topic isn't interesting to them?

It’s nice to have peers, family or others onboard; unfortunately don’t be surprised if there is a lack support or if the first problem you encounter-the negativity jolts like a sonic boom from those closest to you.
No Permission Required
While I was writing my first book I kept it low-key until I was nearly done. I didn’t want opinions or distractions. I found support from people within the industry to be the most positive influence. This gave me the opportunity to develop friendships with people I barely knew and in some cases were total strangers.
Being able to standout and be a lynchpin requires effort, passion and perseverance. The journey begins within you.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you do you have to start to be great"- Zig Ziglar

 I hope you reach a decision on your own dreams, desires and destiny. Take charge of your own life. You’ve waited too long for permission. It’s not necessary. Not anymore.
Grant yourself the power and start today!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Art of Self-Publishing

Ever Consider Writing and Self-Publishing?

Note: I am revisiting and updating my blog from July 2010 on self-publishing to offer some advice from one of my readers. Enjoy!
First, consider learning everything you can about the publishing business. There are many companies who will attempt to take advantage of your lack of knowledge concerning the book industry and publishing. These “sharks” will have you paying a large sum of money to print, store and sell your book. They will ask you to sign a contract, which will give them the rights to your book and this will prohibit you from earning money. In the end, the disappointment will likely lead you to never write another book again.

I began my quest to write the first book without any experience. I asked questions, scoured the internet for best solutions and became knowledgeable to self-publish my book. I started my own publishing company and will soon launch the book. I am using the POD (print on demand) method. My printer will print the quantity of books, I choose; based on my need.

Sometimes decisions regarding business details were based on my situation financially or my audience. Self-publishing has some limitations, but when you choose to self-publish a book; you remain the author and sole decision maker.
If it sounds easy and someone promises to provide a simple solution for several thousand dollars to publish a book for you- walk away!
For those of you wishing to self-publish, here are a few items to consider:

· Purchasing a domain name

· Searching for the lowest cost solution in creating an attractive webpage

· Blog topics for a blog

· Website content

· Joining social network sites

· Writing press releases

· Creating advertisement flyers

· Choosing an editor

· Graphics person

· Printer company

· Shipping method

· Postal rates

· Pricing

· Taxes

· eBook solutions

· eCommerce shopping carts

· Payment gateways

· Photo releases

· Scanning Photos

· Purchasing an ISBN and copyright registration

· Creating a PDF file specific to the printing company in Adobe Acrobat

Did I mention writing 10- 12 hours a day of writing during weekends?


(Photo created by: gilles chiroleu.)
Yes, writing a book can be a tedious task. But the educational aspect is priceless and the next book will be easier to publish, given your vast experience and knowledge! Don’t allow any company to take advantage of you.

 The 10 Best Secrets of Self-Publishing
  1. You don't need anyones permission to self-publish.
  2. You become a writer once you decide to write.
  3. Don't worry about mistakes, hire a good editor.
  4. Pre-plan the layout of the chapters in the book.
  5. Realize a book can be self-published cheaply as an ebook through online resources.
  6. Income from the ebook could help fund the hard copy book or vice-versa.
  7. Self-publishing and marketing are two separate aspects. Write first- worry about a website later.
  8. Take advantage of using books, community forums and YouTube for ideas and assistance.
  9. Perserverance is the biggest challenge in writing.
  10. Start today!
 Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”

Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Does it Matter?

So many days, I have questioned if I am making a difference. Is staying awake half the night seeking clarity, thought, and silence to produce art worth it? Is the money spent on books and searching information to improve viewership worth it?

Does it matter?

Photo used courtesy of: Leeks.
The lack of comments within my blogs, often make me wonder.

Today was an unusual day. I was made aware of my responsibilities towards my readers and friends. Tonight, I realized the impact on people’s lives I made through my experiences of creating a friendship with one of my former band mates and one of my blog readers.

We often don’t get the opportunity or time for people to understand our nature, personality or core values. Sadly, most people are so busy in their daily lives; we all become lost in the noise and shuffle. Daily schedules, families, chores, and work permits us little time for ourselves or to reflect on the most important things in our lives.
I can’t tell you how good it feels to receive positive feedback from people. To know people understand where your heart is and respect you is something I cherish.
I couldn’t be happier knowing that despite the fact I am writing late into the night for two years; I am making a difference in some people’s lives and all those little victories eventually leads to a larger scale of followers, known as a tribe.
People are reading my blogs. I am slowly growing my business. I’d much rather build slow. Slow I can handle. When we rush- we tend to look for results quickly. When the desired results aren’t fulfilled, we become discouraged or quit. For me, it’s more like crash and burn.
But today was different.

It was my wake-up call to responsibility, an opportunity to feel I am a part of something special, that I started, and someone cares.
It was my time to reflect on something meaningful- that does matter!
I want to thank both individuals for inspiring me.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are You a Cog in the Wheel?

The Cog in the Wheel

A week-long series by a local paper concerning poverty has led me to observe and re-iterate a few things.

1.     The Rust Belt built its core foundation on manufacturing.

2.     The manufacturing era has been over for some time.

3.     People have not been able to grasp the concept of line #2.

4.      Consequently, many of the people lack the tools necessary to be productive in this environment.


Years ago, cheap labor was the solution to a factory owner’s success. Many of those people were from Olive Hill, Kentucky and moved to Mansfield, Ohio. Working hard to be a “cog in the wheel” meant receiving a decent paycheck and retiring comfortably.  

Performing a repetitive task quickly and effectively was all that mattered. Increasing employee’s pay and marketting to the massest  permitted the factory owners to sell more products resulting into expanding production facilities and increase in revenues.

Corporations and unions maintained the status quo and continued to protect their own best interest. Everyone profited for decades.


We bought into all the marketing ideas to purchase stuff that wasn’t necessary. Employees never realized they were being slowly duped by buying into the overall concept of the manufacturing era.

We kept up with the status quo going deeper in debt to appear rich. We lived beyond our means mortgaging our future.

Greed within- unions, employees, corporations and government opened the doors to cheaper labor- overseas. Suddenly mass jobs disappeared. Debt replaced our ability to live comfortably. The global economy slowly replaced the need of the local economy.

The global recession, bailouts, and national debt deepened our concern for stability.

The Rust Belt Era

Mansfield, Ohio suffers the same fate as any “rust belt city”. Civic leaders failed to plan ahead and were unable to fill the void with a new industry. Former factory workers continued to long for the “good old days”. They’re gone!

We will never see a large factory open with hundreds of jobs paying $100,000 a year with overtime in our lifetime. The premise has always been about cheaper labor. Once your job is written down in a manual someone else, somewhere else- will do it cheaper.

Where do we go from here?

While attending school is a viable option, many people with college degrees are unable to find work in their chosen field.

Photo used courtesy of: Ralph Bijker.
The trick in today’s workplace environment is to find a void and fill it with a passion and sincere desire to be successful. Merely being a “cog in the wheel” guarantees failure. Multiple skill sets will be needed to standout and be unique. Discovering available options allows you to “get in the game”.
Eliminating and avoiding debt is paramount for surviving and succeeding in the years ahead.
Being able to provide a service or a need at a higher quality verses the mass produced goods from overseas is the best option for success in this new economy!

The question is- when will we as a community and individually decide to become a free agent and move past yesteryear?

Only then- will we begin to prosper again!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
 Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells-The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Narcissistic Style of Management

Corporations and businesses have an obligation to serve their customers and employees. We’ve seen managers who mistakenly abuse their authority as a gesture of their passion for the organization and are often rewarded for their aggressive style of manner.

Brief History Lesson: How the Narcissistic Boss was Born

Here in the Rust Belt, this type of narcissistic behavior is an ongoing problem. The poor behavior started in the factories. Over the years the need for a secondary class of workers fueled the manipulation of minds, status and the lowering of workers expectations. Thus the herd was formed.

But who is going to make sure the workers stay within our parameters and build widgets every day? The schools had teachers to instruct, the factory needed this type of person with far more authority. Someone who could create fear and increase the flow of widgets was desired. The Boss was created.

Somehow the race with competition and greed upped the ante. Enter the narcissistic boss!

Narcissistic Style of Management

Individuals who display cut-throat acts of superiority towards employees cause an incredible amount of psychological and mental harm to morale and emotions. Organizations that see this as a positive strength are ensuring a poor work performance, bad reputation, financial loss and their eventual demise.

If you somehow offend or disagree with this type of person, their quest turns into a personal vendetta for the good of the company. Narcissists receive it as a form of rejection and you will pay dearly. After all, a narcissist is never wrong; they are perfect. If you don’t believe me, just ask one.

The company mantra, dogma, slogan or mission statement is merely a desperate attempt at lip service at this point. The fact is: Nobody’s buying what you’re putting out as truth.

Starts at the Top

Companies hire aggressive people knowing that individual will control the workers and create fear to motivate their staff. This must change. Businesses are seeking the wrong behavioral role model to lead.

Eventually thousands or millions of dollars will be spent on surveys, consultants, meetings and marketing to seek improvement. Entire projects will be created or gutted, perhaps redesign the flow of business or even rebuild. (Just think what might have been accomplished financially instead of throwing money away.)

The Dog made me do it!

No different than an alcoholic denying the real problem for the root of their misery. It’s a top-down problem. When was the last time your organization looked in the mirror?

My Argument

We should be weeding out individuals with narcissistic tendencies, not seeking to hire, promote and reward selfish behaviorisms.

Hitler found it easier to start a war than to become an art student in Vienna.

Ideas to Create a Healthy Work Environment

·        Have a social and moral obligation to follow theGolden Rule.”

·        It’s not about you, it’s about everyone.

·        When you’re wrong admit it. Being humble is good.

·        Your responsibility is to lead and serve, not seek and destroy.

·        Your mission is to inspire people, instead of creating fear and distrust.

Anything less is unacceptable!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

President Obama visits The Rust Belt

Note: I generally abstain from political related blogs. I couldn’t resist with this one.

Last week, I had the misfortune of having both of my vehicles causing distress and breaking down several days apart. My car was already out of commission and my truck was the only option to drive.
On our journey to downtown Mansfield, Ohio; we suddenly heard a clanging sound. I figured my tail pipe had disconnected and was dragging on the ground. Upon reaching our destination on North Main Street we discovered it wasn’t the tail pipe, but the rusted muffler dragging on the pavement.

The ride up Main Street was quite nerve wracking on this particular day because the truck has a slight gas tank leak not far from the muffler. As we all know- sparks and gas are ignitable. Not a particular good problem to have.

After inspecting the situation, my wife entered the Squirrels Den to purchase some chocolate-covered buckeye candy. President Obama had visited the little chocolate shop nearly a week ago after giving a campaign speech on the town square.
The President spent a half-hour inside the Squirrels Den; chatting, posing for photos, and signing autographs while tasting and purchasing chocolates for the First Lady and their daughters.
The shop was still excited about their special visit and the owner, LeDonna Secrist and her staff had several stories and photos to share with us.

While my wife picked out the sweet stuff, I inquired to the owner if she had any string to temporary keep the muffler from dragging on the pavement. The owner produced a bag of bungee cords. I took a couple of cords and was able to secure the muffler for our ride home.
LeDonna refused to allow me to pay her for the cords, instead requesting “I pray for her” and return the favor by helping someone else out.

I want to publicly thank LeDonna Secrist for her kind act of graciousness.

During the chat regarding President Obama’s visit, the clerk noted many people giving negative comments. She encountered the same negative situation when she discussed seeing George W. Bush nearly eight years ago at the Renaissance Theater in Mansfield, Ohio.
She noted that she was always taught to respect the office regardless of the party tied to the helm.

I must agree with her. Hate is a terrible fear to spread. How often do you get to meet the man who represents the most powerful free nation in the world?

We should be praying for our leaders.
I understand many people are passionate towards their political party, America and their views. But there is a vast difference between hate and passion.  Let’s not confuse the two emotions.

I am surprised by the lack of respect Republicans and Democrats openly display towards each other in political advertisement and speeches.
The party process and news media have created an “us versus them” mentality which serves to divide Americans by keeping us distracted. It allows those in charge from dealing with the real issues that need to be addressed.

To me, the political party game has only given us the choice of the speed of robbing Peter to pay Paul and the negative results.
It’s the political system (Democrats and Republicans), I have lost faith in.

Politicians must understand they are elected to serve the people, instead of catering to lobbyists.
We should demand accountability, integrity and honesty from all elected officials.

Let’s stop the hate and focus on the opportunity to create change that really matters!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.