Saturday, January 5, 2013

Book Review- The Icarus Deception: how high will you fly?

Don’t buy Seth Godin’s newest book- The Icarus Deception: how high will you fly?
·        Seth Godin is the leading marketing guru in the world.
·        Is a best-selling author of Purple-Cow, Tribes, Linchpin and Poke the Box.
·        A top-ten pithy Blogger.
·        An entrepreneur and highly sought after speaker and motivator.
·        Has the pulse of business on his radar and created some of the most remarkable marketing campaigns.
·        Contributes generously to charities.
Don’t buy the new book because: Seth started his own community website, tribe, or has the ability to alter an entire industry.
Buy the book because whatever Seth Godin knows- people listen, ideas spread and in the post-industrial era we need to be artists.

Review- The Icarus Deception: how high will you fly?

Seth gives us the “inside” information on how to stand-out, speak-up and set the new standards by becoming an artist. His thoughts teach us how to fly higher than we ever could by casting the “old rules” aside which allows you to create your own artistry.

When the Industrial era started nobody gave us the real story, we were the workers, the “cogs in the wheel.” They didn’t want leaders; they sought obedient and compliant followers to work the factory jobs for a penance and gold watch.
Schools were created to train legions of children how to be compliant and follow directions. Goods were marketed to increase sales, build more factories, hire additional workers and we complied. They influenced us so well we bought into debt never realizing our commitment would soon steal our hearts and soul.
The success of this marketing philosophy created industries, corporations, and conglomerates. Suddenly, the inevitable happened.
 A migration in search of cheaper sources, products and people turned our lives upside-down. Everything we were told, promised or expected has faded. The Icarus Deception explains where we are going and will rewire the way you think.
In a way, The Icarus Deception is a conglomeration of Seth Godin’s previous books tied together, to the new economy. It’s the handbook to your future. They didn’t let us in on the old secrets- this time we have no excuse
Here are some of the highlights:
·        The myth of Icarus- how it corresponds to conformity, compliance and how it lowered our expectations in everything we do.
·        Why we should create Art.
·        The difference between our comfort and safety zones and why it’s changed.
·        The introduction of the “connection economy” and the role it plays in the post-industrial era.
·        Building relationships that really matter.
·        The shortfalls of the Industrial Age.
·        The importance of “picking yourself” instead of living someone else’s dream or idea.
·        The joy and emotional labor of creating your own Art.
·        Breaks down myths and psychological trappings of society to fit-in, conform and why it’s far better to stand-out.
·        The meaning of being an Artist.
·        How fear stops us from doing work outside our comfort zone.
·        Dealing with “the resistance.”
·        Defining your audience.
·        The vulnerability of being an Artist.
·        Why your worldview keeps you from seeing the world as it is.
·        Successful habits.
·        Measuring work, eliminating boundaries.
·        The need for a focus group.
·        Going from a mindset of “wanting to giving.”
·        Reminding us- we are all connected.
The Icarus Deception is a book I will read over and over. I highly recommend it. I purchased my copy through Seth’s Kickstarter campaign
The Icarus Deception is the push to do what you’ve always wanted. It’s the approval to become what you’ve always dreamed of becoming. The Icarus Deception allows you the freedom to scale to new heights. Unlike the previous system of 100 years, it’s imperative you break the rules and stand-out.
More importunately it allows you to connect with people and do something meaningful by creating Art!
This is the chance and opportunity you’ve waited for- purchase The Icarus Deception today.
We’ve been bamboozled for too long. It’s your turn.
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Wisdom to Know the Difference!

People often worry about circumstances out of their control. Worrying used to be one of my “other jobs.” Over the years, I have battled with creating “what if” scenarios and nearly every time the situation I feared- never happened. Slowly, I’ve realized spending time and energy by focusing on “what if” is a monumental loss of productivity and growth.

In A.A.meetings, one of the common slogans is “Let go and Let God.” Carrying worries, resentment and grudges not only lessons your chance of sobriety; it prevents one from moving forward with growth, opportunity and spirituality. The biggest factors most people find troubling are jobs, relationships and money. Mentally beating yourself-up over something that may never happen is never a solution.
Even if our worst fear becomes reality wouldn’t we be better served to focus on a solution after it transpires? Planning ahead for a possible catastrophe is foolish. By responding in this negative manner you are placing yourself as a “victim” with your mind and actions. Conditioning yourself to this attitude devalues your self-esteem, opens yourself up for easy defeat and guarantees failure.
Obsessing over negative situations should be replaced by focusing on changing the things you can make a difference with the outcome. Instead of being “stuck” inside your own prison walls, focus on doing something to help someone else. Checkout of the pity-party and lift your spirit up by doing something inspirational and motivational. If we spent half of the time doing something positive, instead of negative; our jobs, relationships and financial situations would improve immensely.
Worrying give us the excuse to do nothing. We sabotage ourselves due to fear. After all, worry is nothing but fear. It’s that little voice of resistance in our head attempting to stop you from doing great work, urging you to stay with the status quo and never venture outside the hut.
Several years ago, I was looking at the possibility of having lung cancer. After a botched biopsy procedure, I had to have major surgery to remove tissue for another biopsy. My time wasn’t focused on worrying if I had cancer or not. My concern was for my wife and would she have the financial stability to live without me?
 Once those fears were resolved I was completely at peace with myself situation and God.

 Now, one would reason having a terminal illness would send someone over the cliff with worry and fear. Especially me, I am a master of worry. I learned it’s the little things in life that keeps us in fear and prevents us from doing what we were put on this Earth to do. The big obstacles usually take care of themselves. Trust me, it’s true.
More importantly, it’s the wisdom to know the difference!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Future is up to You!

"Every child is born an artist. The trick is to remain an artist."


We’ve spent 100 years schooling our children and selves into becoming a “cog in the wheel” for the system. We created compliance by asking students to memorize a formula of history, math and science. Instead of recognizing the interests of the people- the system set the agenda.
It told us what to wear, how to respond and what to think. The bigger picture enforced the rules, fostering everyone to get-in-line, wait your turn and don’t question authority. It amazes me how many people in the workforce have relinquished their minds, hearts and souls in an effort to fit in. Trained by fear to perform a repetitive duty and to keep your thoughts to yourself in the effort to earn a living or possibly retire with some dignity.
Is it any wonder we have so many cases of depression, so many needs for medication and so little regard for our workforce or fellow man?
I really enjoy talking with people and presenting my case for the reason of why we are at a crossroads for the future. I’ve avoided playing the political arguments intentionally. To me, it’s not as relevant as understanding the concept that we are engaged in and responding to the current social environment.
We are experiencing a giant cultural shift in how we do business. The current format of the Industrial Age is undergoing dramatic change. Change- that is quicker than ever before. Technology advances are enabling us to move faster than a speeding train. There will be a new breed of people like Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. In fact, due to new technology some of the next inventors are already here.
What does that have to do with me?
If you want to be a part of the shift this is your free ticket. Recognizing you have been a pawn in the game is the key to breaking out and enabling yourself to be competitive. Forming an alliance with others who understand this new direction will provide you with a powerful network capable of embracing change and quickly adjusting. Merely staying put is a guarantee to end-up like the great Buffalo hunt; that followed the leader over the cliff.
Which would you rather be?
If you can’t jump ship at least realize you’ve been bamboozled. The current ride isn’t going to improve until you change your own thinking. It’s a long ride to the bottom of the sea. Do we really want to go there?
 I hope not, we’ve wasted enough time, energy and health in subscribing to a life with diminishing outcomes. Even the so-called recession was a result of the early stages of Industrial restructuring. The “big” stores, factories and other organizations are slowly dying. Jobs that exist today will be gone in 15-25 years and the “traditional” education will be replaced.
So perhaps one of my biggest challenges is to attempt to stay ahead of the curve and hope people will open their minds, despite a life-long indoctrination into compliance, fitting in and being average. Forget the gold watch, retirement party and focus on a more likely scenario:
The future is up to you and better yet; it doesn’t require permission because- you’ve been given a free ticket. Now go make something interesting and creative. It’s your art, your destiny and legacy to do something meaningful!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Do Something Meaningful


In a previous blog, I reported spotting a dog in a nearby park system upon driving home from work. I recalled reading on an employee’s bulletin board a story of a missing dog. The dog owner’s home had been burglarized and the thieves peppered sprayed the young dog. The door must have been open and the traumatized pup ran away despite wearing a radio-controlled collar.
I returned to my place of work and contacted the owners.
I drove by the park area again the next day (Friday) after work after I previously contacted the owners. The mixed-breed pup darted across Park Avenue West in Mansfield, Ohio during rush-hour traffic. How it kept from getting hit was probably an act of divinity on that icy day. I turned the car around and spotted the dog near the entrance to South Park.
 I stopped the car and (not remembering the dogs name from the “wanted” poster), got out of the car, attempting to coax the young dog towards me. He looked at me long enough that I recognized the radio-controlled collar on his neck. The dog turned around, pranced away and after about 20 yards distance from me, stopped, barked once, and headed back towards the busy intersection.
I had failed.
I drove back to my place of work and called the dog owners who confirmed from my description of the collar and coat, it was their missing dog “Buckeye.” They said they would drive down to our park system and look for the dog. I informed them I would also go back and search. I found the owners in the park and we couldn’t spot “Buckeye” at all.
We were disappointed and the owner stated he would walk through the entire park on Saturday. My wife and I drove through the park system on Saturday evening after a wedding searching for the dog. I know the drive scared her as we drove around North Lake Park and were followed closely by another car. The only relief came when we noticed two police cruisers sitting in the park.
At this point “Buckeye” had been missing for a week and the cold weather along with another new snowstorm and freezing temperatures had me realizing the young pup’s chances of surviving the elements, traffic and lack of food were running out.
I attempted to drive through the parks the next week after work and whenever I went through town. Nothing, Buckeye had disappeared.
Earlier this week we had a fire in downtown Mansfield, Ohio. It was reported two dogs died during the fire inside the house which was being used strangely enough, for storage. I prayed “Buckeye” wasn’t one of those poor dogs.
Then I received this email today:
Were you the person who called me about the missing dog?! I hope so because I wanted to let you know we found him in Middle Park on the Saturday before Christmas! He was very dirty and smelly but otherwise OK and he slept for the next 3 days! Thank you so much for your persistence, Buckeye made it home for Christmas!

My prayers had been answered. The young pup had been re-united after a terrible ordeal of theft. The last day of the year I realized this would be the most meaningful achievement I accomplished all year. I put my heart and soul in finding “Buckeye” and was successful. I am happy for the family.

Happy New Year and Thank you

After less than 6 months and 114 posts of The Rust Belt Chronicles on my audience has reached 7,000 people from around the world. I couldn’t remain inspired without your views, comments and caring.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart while looking forward to 2013 and-  
Doing something meaningful that matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Seth Godin, Arsonists and Buckeye Updates

I began reading Seth Godin’s new book- The Icarus Deception: How High will You Fly?. You can view the trailer here. I am hoping to finish the book and do a review shortly thereafter. Don’t hesitate to pick-up a copy of this enlightening book on becoming a remarkable artist and standing-out in the new Industrial Revolution!
The Icarus Deception is being released on December 31st.

Update on previous post
The local authorities are still holding a suspect in possible connection to the series of 49 acts of arson related fires in downtown Mansfield, Ohio since June of 2012. A second suspect (with a history of arson) was just sent to prison for other crime(s).
If either or both of these individuals were responsible this would indicate the latest 2 acts of arson (on the same night) could have been ignited by copycat arsonists or a larger network of firestarters.
We had another fire yesterday during the day downtown and firefighters don’t believe it was due to arson. The home was used for storage and two dogs lost their life inside during the fire. I am hoping “Buckeye” wasn’t one of those dogs and is safe and sound somewhere on this cold and snowy night!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Are You a By-Product of The Industrial Age?

If you spent your time at work attempting to work faster and harder you’re a by-product of the Industrial Age.
If your company slogan was work smarter, not harder- you’re a by-product of the Industrial Age.
If the organization you work for splatters the community with billboard and newspaper advertisements’ its marketing believes it’s still lives in the Industrial Age.
If the hierarchy of the organization cuts benefits, bonuses, pay and reduces employees you are witnessing the collapse of the Industrial Age.

The Death of Mass

At one time mass production, care or infrastructure depended solely on vast quantities of paper, pencil, presses and people. Technology slowly changed the process, eliminating some of the previous sources of reliance and input. Computers, software, robotics and automation streamlined the services.
During its heyday- mass marketing was a favorite strategy used by public relations to convince the public to buy, use or choose their product. Mass campaigns were created to extend social awareness and earn trust as a reliable business source.
If we look a little closer, we will notice those businesses have attempted to create the least amount of risk to produce (your company’s category here) for the masses. Some businesses have mastered this concept for decades. Sadly, some are still attempting to emulate and continue to miss the point of change.
The Industrial Age is dying a slow, painful death.
If your organization is run by a board of directors who only observe the accountants bottom line; you are in trouble. Goods and services can only be dumbed down so far, eventually the products or services must be scaled to offset costs. This affects the employees and contrary to the belief of management- the customer.

Our Only Option

We now live in a new Industrial Revolution. An age consisting of small, global and connected ventures with people who share, work together and connect for a common cause. Agile, socially responsible and unique. We earn our customers RESPECT through personal trust, care and remarkable stories that spread.
Our board members are real people who understand our purpose and cause:
To do Something Meaningful that Matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Mansfield, Ohio - Slowly Burning

A week ago, downtown Mansfield, Ohio suffered acts of arson#48 and #49 (simultaneously) since June. Apparently, the authorities were holding two individuals in jail while considering filing charges, when the two fires ignited. Since nobody has been charged, I’m assuming the suspect’s were released. One of the individuals had a previous history of arsons.
I still believe these acts of arson are somehow related to the $2.1 million SAFER (FEMA) grant money awarded to Mansfield and the push to hire 15 firefighters. Despite a $6,000.00 reward the neighbors to these acts of arson are just like Sgt. Schultz of Hogan’s Heroes fame.
Will we suffer our 50th act of arson in downtown Mansfield, Ohio prior to the New Year?
Despite the snow, I wouldn’t bet against it. With a major portion of boarded-up houses, the downtown area is an easy picking for the prey. There are also many houses with boarded-up windows and tenants living within the homes. Mansfield has been fortunate to avoid human casualties since the fires began in June, but how long until innocent lives are lost?
If you know something, please contact the authorities or contact me. Playing the “hear no, see no evil” wildcard isn’t a solution or a humane response.
Arson is simply a form of terror and Fear is never the answer.
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.