Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Getting Noticed!

The other day I tweeted to author and former CEO of Thomas Crown Publishing, Michael Hyatt, to ask if the new Get Noticed! Theme would possibly include a tool to push a blog out to various social media sources.
When publishing a blog 15-20 minutes is spent sending the article to 10 other social media and newspaper outlets. I include a short personalized text message and publish the link to the blog. I’ve looked into various WordPress plugins that offer a service to post to different social media and found the settings for those services require information which I either don’t know where to find or offer no explanation on where to find the information. So, naturally I was hoping Michael’s upcoming theme might offer a built-in solution.
Mr. Hyatt kindly responded: “I don’t recommend that strategy.”
I followed-up the tweet asking Michael if the reason for not recommending the strategy could be found in his book. I never received a response. Realizing, Mr. Hyatt is a very busy man and receives countless questions each day, I decided to search for the answers through his book and posts.
My research found some interesting articles.
It appears Michael has a 20:1 rule. Simply stated, it would imply to “give to make 20 relational deposits,for every marketing withdrawal.” I try to follow this act particularly with Facebook friends who read my blog or for those that comment on my blog. It’s tougher to attempt through other social media outlets particularly if you don’t know who your visitors were.
Facebook and StumbleUpon do provide me with a good amount of readers. It also appears he recommends working with using social media to build a platform of followers.

The problem is how many people actually read the blog? It’s much easier for someone to just hit the “like button” on Facebook. Google Analytics provides enough information to view the data of clickthroughs, and demographics with social media. But honestly, who has the time to track, breakdown and compare the numbers? I don’t, beside it will drive you crazy.
Michaels point is its far better to achieve subscribers who actually visit your blog and are committed to subscribing to your content. Without a doubt this is the best case scenario. He also correctly states your website is your “home” and is the only place you have control.
My only argument is feeding my blog manually gives me more possible exposure since I am not a well-known blogger. So for the present time, I will continue the experiment to send the blog to various media sources and attempt to follow those who follow me and hopefully build a larger following.
Once I migrate over to WordPress and install a subscription service, I will see if I receive better exposure through traffic and re-evaluate my need to use social media in getting noticed. It will also give me the opportunity to request subscriptions and weed-out the media sources that disappoint.
Thanks Michael!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Book Review: The Impact Equation by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith

Social Media expert and Blogger, Chris Brogan has been instrumental in my journey to become a blogger. His book, Social Media 101, not only gave me valuable insight it armed me with the education, passion and courage to enter the digital age. Naturally, I was looking forward to his next best-selling release, Trust Agents, co-authored with Julien Smith (another media expert in podcasting). Unfortunately, Trust Agents, left me puzzled somewhat, compared to Social Media 101.
Chris Brogan and Julien Smith have released a new book entitled: The Impact Equation: are you making things happen or just making noise? I am happy to report “The Impact Equation” is an insightful and useful book, written with strong advice and powerful tips.
The social media experts champion the premise that anyone can become a social media expert and owner without seeking permission or being rich. That’s right, for the first time in the history of civilization, you, me; anyone can partake, create and own our own channel. Scary isn’t it.  We can be a voice and make an impact in the world.
Chris and Julien use a simple formula for the principle of this success called CREATE.
C*(R+E+A+T+E) = Contrast is multiplied by reach (R), exposure (E), articulation (A), trust (T), echo (E). The CREATE formula can be applied to make an impact in regards to anything you do.
The Impact Equation also focuses on real examples to breakdown how we can make an impact. Just a few of the many topics covered are:

·        Recognizing good ideas from bad ideas.

·        The importance of goals.

·        The power of a sturdy platform.

·        Stop thinking like an employee.

·        Building a network based on trust from people who care.

·        Discovering your core message.

·        The human element.
The Impact Equation is about building an online tribe, offering added value, and how to maximize your chance of success. Chris and Julien suggest giving away their book to others when you are finished studying the book. This is another way to spread their ideas and create a loyal tribe of followers towards you.
Near the final chapter, Chris and Julien actually take time to explain their thoughts on their former book, Trust Agents and how it could have been more explicit in hindsight. That takes guts.
If you have an interest in creating your own media channel and have a desire to make your own impact, you must take the time to read: The Impact Equation by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith.
The Impact Equation is the best equation never taught in school!
So purchase a copy today, read it several times, study the formulas and advice, then give it away to share with someone else.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Should We Follow the Leader?

One of the common problems here in the Rust Belt is the lack of leadership. Perhaps it’s due to living in a “small town” mentality or because so few good paying jobs exist. Ducking the obvious questions and failing to recognize problems seems to be fashionable. When a leader allows position, money, or status to interfere with “doing the right thing” we have a bigger problem.

News Media

Years ago, news reporters built their reputation by asking the hard questions, un-covering stories and following leads. Now it’s about the advertisement revenue and in most cases- nothing else matters. Reporters used to take risks, a voice of reason and hold society accountable. Locally, all we are left with is a liberal newspaper seeking social media approval, being ever so careful not to hurt advertiser’s feelings.  
This lowers the bar for everyone.

Corporate Management

Corporate management is so concerned to move up the ladder or protect their positions, problems don’t exist. The only real problem is when they are able to avoid the leak. So, generally the problem is the person who reports the bad news. The plan to shutdown the point of question invariably becomes the point of attack.
Whatever happened to- Don’t shoot the messenger?
--Again, the bar is lowered and the outcome is a message of everything’s roses.

Stay in Line-Follow the Sheep

The saddest fact is young people witness these acts of poor leadership techniques and believe it is acceptable or the norm. The public believes everything is fine. Monkey see, Monkey do.
Eventually, a large part of society has been so blinded, so mislead that it fails to recognize right from wrong. The message sent is nothing matters except money, greed and position. Everything is fine, just sit back and let us run the ship.
That little ice-burg we just hit was nothing. Keep dancing. After all, we are the Titanic!

Just the Facts

Far better to question authority, use a fact checker or follow-up the situation yourself. Push the powers to be to ask the right questions and hold those responsible for answers. Never settle for- “No” or “I’ll get back with you.”
Settling for the norm ensures mediocrity or worse. Relying on someone else to have your best interests at heart is a mistake. It’s only their own agenda that matters to them.
If you are unable to get results going up the chain of command- stop contributing to the product, find a new job or remove yourself from the situation., Writing helps, because in today’s social media rage articles get noticed quickly and most businesses hate bad publicity. Sometimes, it’s the last source to seek change.
Encouraging integrity from our leaders  raises the bar of accountability, reduces the need for transparency and encourages truth.
By seeking purposeful questions we will hold those accountable for meaningful answers!
Anything less is lip service.
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Turning a Blog into a Brand!

Photo courtesy of: Search Engine People Blog.
Attempting to blog daily can be a tough assignment. Building an audience isn’t something that happens overnight or in a few months. Consistency and good content is the key to developing followers. Anything beyond those qualities is truly a blessing!

We often find ourselves so busy attempting to write the “next” blog we often forget to put the effort into following others, commenting on their blogs or just asking a few questions. Forgetting those people who are on the same journey as us is a mistake. Taking the proper time to put forth the effort increases our network, friends and influences.

I find it tough to take the time and provide the moral support to others. It’s far easier for me to write a blog or come up with something new rather than comment. It bugs me, not having the time I need to give back to others. Particularly, since I joined it has become impossible to follow everyone.

So I’ve created a plan.

·        Those who comment on my musings, get top priority. Whatever those loyal folks do, I will do my best to follow and return the praise.

·        I will slowly read, pick and choose other bloggers with similar interests within the blogging communities I post and comment on their writings.

·        Lastly, I will prioritize the blogsters of and follow the same method as above.

·        Those who return the interests will be on my “A” list, the others will simply be replaced by new people.

·        Those who stick are my tribe members and most cherished friends!  

I hate rules- but to you, me and the rest of my schedule it’s only fair. To not set your own ground rules would mean everyone gets lost in the “social media” arena and we accomplish little.

Between my job, moonlighting as a blogger, assisting in daily chores and following my emails, social media sites and the two or three hours of sleep during the weeknights; I am pretty much maxed out.

My lack of sleep has taken a toll after a couple of years of the crazy schedule.

I soon need to find the time write an eBook and a regular book. I must also consider the direction of my blog as a business. One of the things I’ve found out by blogging is it’s so easy to keep focusing on writing a blog, while forgetting the other aspects of becoming a ”brand.”

Having a clearer direction of sail is paramount to turning an adventure into a successful business strategy.

I want to thank those who follow my blog and comment. I sincerely appreciate your interest.

 My hope is these thoughts have given you some ideas about your own blogging adventures or perhaps shared some parallel ideas towards your own start-up or entrepreneurship!

A journey can lead a thousand different directions, but a clear path and roadmap always helps!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Google or WordPress?

I have considered purchasing a Genesis Framework or Studio Press skin (theme) and converting my Google Blogger to WordPress. Having used WordPress (the free version- .com) a few times in the past, I noticed my blogs rate highly in all the major search engines. Google Blogger doesn’t seem to work well with Bing or Yahoo.

After seeing a few tutorials on the ease of creating the blog, my fear of the process has been reduced considerably. It’s the moving of my old blog history to WordPress that concerns me. A little more research into that part of the process is all I need.


Tonight, I logged into my blog to find all of my Google statistics missing. Luckily, I signed up for Google Analytics and all of my blog stats are intact. Fearing I somehow was capable of creating a disaster, I checked the discussion board of Blogger to discover the reset of page views to zero happened this evening; so it has affected many users (or perhaps all users?).
Maybe it's time for a change in where my blog resides?

Michael Hyatt- Gets Noticed with his Platform


Michael Hyatt and his web designer are working on creating a premium theme for WordPress entitled: GetNoticed!. Michael is the former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. He currently is a consultant, speaker and author of the bestsellerPlatform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World (Thomas Nelson).

The premium theme Michael is creating is based on many of the suggestions from his Platform book. The project appears to be interesting given Michaels ability to maximize his audience. I don’t know the price yet, but I am sure it will be worth every penny.

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World has given me a better understanding of blogging and I discovered many nice little secrets to improving my blogging platform.

Purchasing a web theme through Genesis or Studio Press can cost as little as $59.95 (one-time fee) and a hosting service like Bluehost for $3.00-$6.00 per month(depending who you purchase through).

I’ve got a birthday coming up this week; it might be time to treat myself with a new blog site look, greater uptime, support (24/7) and improved SEO.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Start your own Revolution

Corporations have an obligation to their customers and employees. Once the objective becomes the core process without considering both entities the result can be a deluge of reckless abandon with adverse public reaction.

Businesses who fail to support those under their own umbrella lose credibility. Banking on the short term memories of everyone involved and expecting to save face isn’t a smart idea in today’s era of social media presence. The long-term results can be catastrophic financially in terms of clients and the lost of trust by the public.

Sometimes, it’s better to lose a few arguments than to be perceived as greedy.

Matt and Katie Fisher
Matt Fisher simply blogged about the treatment of a claim with Progressive Insurance and their reported stance in trial proceedings in regard to Nationwide Insurance and the defendant involving his sister, Katie  and her tragic death in 2010.
The story went viral throughout social media.

The insurance had the prior opportunity to correct their stance and save the reputation of their brand. Simply paying $75,000.00 would have been much cheaper than dealing with the fallout. Trust is why we purchase insurance to provide a source of security in case of accidents, dismemberment and death.

Trust is the heart of any business.

As much as the publicity hurt Progressive, can you imagine the buzz if a competing insurance company with no financial ties wrote a $75,000.00 check to Matt Fisher? The amount of trust and positive marketing would speak volumes for a competitor’s ethics, morals and sales.

In today’s viral universe, it could’ve easily happened.

Three days after Matt Fisher posted the blog (which was also blogged by Seth Godin) Progressive Insurance announced a decision to reach a settlement for “tens of thousands of more dollars.”

We now have the ability to change the world through the use of social media. Permission, money or lawyers are no longer required. A voice resonating of honor, reason and right has given us power which was never before available to us, no matter where we are located. That voice is social media.

Start your own revolution today!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and 3rd party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fly like an Eagle

Living in the Rust Belt has taught us a valuable lesson. The odds of working at one company throughout our entire career are about as likely as pigs learning to fly.

With the economy suffering, many people are unemployed. What better time to start your own business?

Photo used courtesy of: Ricymar Fine Art Photography. 
Starting a business can be simple. Just figure out a need and deliver the results. Just offer a simple need that people are looking for in their daily lives. I know it sounds easy, but it’s true.

Now here’s the tricky part:

Whatever you decide to do- do it better than anyone else. Take the time to reflect on how you can provide something and add enough value to the service to make yourself stand-out! Impressing your customers goes a long way with referrals and loyalty.

If you want to be successful and compete against existing business you must do something the competition doesn’t do.

Marketing yourself is crucial for your starting your own business. Figure out your niche business and how to reach your clientele. Perhaps business cards or flyer's might be all that you need. Internet sources such as experienced professionals, group forums, Google searches or associated organizations are among those who can provide useful information. Don’t be afraid to steal an idea.

Feel free to email me with any questions you have.

Persistence and time are your friends in this process. Stand by their side and you will eventually prosper.

Perhaps you will need a simple website to get started. Google and WordPress offer free access to building your own website. Another option would be to hire someone to create a site specific for your needs or purchase a premium site through

There are many excellent books and social media sites available to pickup tips, facts and provide education for entrepreneurship, creating websites and marketing with social media.
Author: Chris Guillebeau

 The $100 Startup has a wealth of great start-up ideas and solid time-tested methods towards achieving success. Many of the entrepreneurs discussed in the book started with $100.00 or less to create their own income or small business. Chris keeps things simple within a do-able formula to launch your idea.

I can’t think of a better time to experience the freedom of being an entrepreneur. Immerse yourself in learning how to create a future income in something you love to do. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune; require multiple college degrees or an army of employees and an array of real estate.

The educational opportunity alone is priceless.
Besides, why wait for pigs to fly when you can fly like an Eagle today!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Hourglass

I have a passion for writing. I don’t have to depend on anyone but myself. If I don’t like what I’ve written I can use the backspace key to delete it. I don’t need anyone’s approval or disapproval. My life is that simple.

Photo courtesy of: Ben Lucier.
My stories can be inspiring or merely average. The subject can be anything I choose or something simply to motivate others. The time it takes me to write a story or blog can range from minutes, hours, or days.

Sometimes one blog can be broken down to two or three different stories. It is inspiring to me when stories roll of my mind quickly and unexpectedly. I know it’s time to write a book when my creative writing reaches this threshold.

This is one of the advantages of writing nearly 300 blogs. A writer tends to improve by repetition. The journey begins when you decide to write.

Life gives us the opportunity to do something special or unique. Each day is another chance to turn your dream into reality.

The hourglass waits for no one. I choose to use it wisely!

I hope you do the same.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!