Showing posts with label Dan Miller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dan Miller. Show all posts

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Don't Let this Be You!

Dan Miller must have read my mind. What perfect timing to read his blog.
As some of you know, I was recently laid-off by the organization I gave nearly 32 years of my life too. I am 56 years-old and between my age, health and spending years in a job that wasn’t advancing my skills towards modern techniques with asset management and purchasing, I basically became a master of nothing.
Rule #1
Never stay in a position that prevents you from growing or expanding your skills.
So as I awoke today, I began thinking about how or what I am actually going to do next. I love blogging, but; it doesn’t pay the bills. A lifetime of accumulating debt isn’t helping matters.

Rule #2
Avoid using credit cards at all costs.
So realistically, where does this leave me? I don’t see myself making the money I made prior to being laid-off. I certainly couldn’t work two jobs that require much physical exertion to make ends meet.
Rule #3
Think outside the box.
I have no desire to go back to cubicle nation, college or stand in-line with everyone else. Been there, done that.
No, it’s time to make a ruckus. Start my own business and see what happens. It’s time to make mistakes, learn and be creative. Some ideas may work, some won’t.
Rule #4
Do something!
When we get hit with a dramatic circumstance we either find a way around the obstacle or let it keep us paralyzed. Creating limitations for ourselves keeps us from moving forward. We become our own worst enemy and ensure our reliance on someone else’s decisions. That’s not the best place to be.
We have been conditioned to seek permission whether it’s through being hired by someone else or dependent on the government.
Rule #5
Don’t let this be you.
So today, I decided to take a new direction and forge my own path, that doesn’t rely on a boss, system or a CEO. The journey begins with me.
I will unveil one of my new businesses soon. In the meantime, I have a lot of work to do. I want to thank Dan Miller for his timely post.

My blog is moving to a new self-hosted site soon and I am looking forward to doing something meaningful that matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Are You Connecting with People?

Two weeks ago, I found myself unemployed. Laid-off, as in job eliminated. Nearly 32 years at the same organization and I was tossed to the curb. The same organization laid-off my wife 6 months ago, after nearly 33 years of service.

It was an interesting month. Our health insurance expired in February and I just learned my knee buckling is actually due to a rare bone disease. What else could go wrong? Oh yea, let’s not forget our debt.
Most people drowning in debt would be stressed out. Panic would be the normal agenda. Granted, the day I was informed of the bad news my head was spinning at times. But the relief to finally have the freedom to develop my own business overshadows debt at the moment.
In a way it seems like a gift. The push to do what I’ve always wanted and the courage do so with no excuse. I knew the moment I was axed- that day would change my life. I’ve been dreaming about being able to work on my own terms for some time.
We have options and we have a plan. Some might work, some won’t. It gives me the chance to do what many would like too, but few do. Many people loose interest after a setback or a few months of attempting a business start-up. I’m the guy who doesn’t quit, once I decide to start.
That’s why I know I will be successful.
 I’ve got the kind advice and friendship from folks at Dan Miller’s and one of the finest financial counselors from Dave Ramsey’s own personal team in Nashville to assist us. With the help of The Good Lord above and the driven passion to succeed- we will be successful.
Fortune has also smiled on my development of new friends. I am amazed at how many of my friends have written books and have their own businesses. These entrepreneurs are quality individuals who are in it for the long-tail, not fly-by-night results. Most importantly, they really do care about their clients, customers and associates.
Through networking, slowly creating a tribe, a guest post and sharing the truth with my readers; I am now seeing a surge in growth. My website traffic nearly doubled in January! I must be doing something meaningful.
 Connecting with people gives us options we never knew existed. By connectiong and building relationships, doors open that previousely were closed. We no longer have to seek permission or wait our turn. The old barriers are crumbling.
Thank you- to my mentors, friends and readers!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Thursday, January 31, 2013 A Great Way to Connect!

One of the best decisions I made early on in my blogging career was to join the forums at I discovered the forum by purchasing Dan Miller's best-selling book, “48 Days to The Work You Love”. The book guided me to Dan’s featured site- and it was there; I learned of

When I joined several years ago, I was amazed at all the interaction and assistance while starting my own journey to the work I love. My interest was self-publishing a book and it was one of the many specialized groups in the forums. Questions were met with (free) answers from other members and it gave me a huge list of possibilities to study.
 In 2009, Kent Julian, Andy Traub and Justin Lukasavige, were exceptional with encouragement, coaching advice, technical knowledge and their own experience. Those folks were on the cutting –edge of marketing, content and media technology. Author/speaker Jeff Goins was just starting his rise to fame.
For nearly a year, I got distracted and slipped away from I should have stuck around the forums and continued my education. Like a young adult, I thought I knew just enough to get by and I was wrong. In today’s world, change is the constant; so learning is an ongoing process.
We are either moving forward or moving backwards. There is no middle ground for success. It waits for no one. The minute we settle for mediocrity, success moves on.
 I returned in 2012 and was pleased to recognize many of the same people were still contributing and helping others. Their businesses have grown immensely over those few years. What I love about the members at is their commitment and loyalty to those seeking advice.
Dan Miller has created a friendly caring community. Mr. Miller could charge for access to the forums and earn a generous passive income; but he understands helping others and building a tribe is a treasure of value for everyone involved. Dan is building a legacy one member at a time. is a jewel for those seeking change.
Since returning in 2012, I’ve been fortunate to develop friendships with newer members: Ann Musico, Caroline Gavin, Karen Putz and Jen McDonough. These ladies are successful authors, speakers, podcasters, bloggers and coaches on the verge of taking their dream to the next level.
I thank Dan Miller for his heart of gold and the members at for their encouragement, wisdom and knowledge. I'ts great to connect with kind people who assist anyone seeking advice. The free membership of is an valuable gem to finding your way!

Speaking of gems: Dan Miller and his son, Jared Angaza, have a fantastic new book out entitled:
Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate. You may read my review here and order a copy today!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Failing, Losing and Winning

We don’t encourage people to be creative. Rarely, do we ask people to do something meaningful.
We spend far more time telling folks:
·        No- you can’t.
·        You have no experience.
·        Somebody else has already done it.
·       Nobody's ever done it.
·        You don’t have the money, education or time.
·        It won’t work.
·        You better get permission.
·        I’d talk with a lawyer first.
And the ultimate sabotage responses:
·        You’ll fail.
·        You’ll never make it.
·        You’ll go broke and starve.
·        You won’t be able to survive.
·        You’ll die.
How often do we say- “That’s a great idea, I think you should go for it?”
That’s what I thought.
We shoot someone’s hope, dream and possible future down quickly. If everyone followed our own fearful advice, there’d be no electricity, surgeons, automobiles, medicine, clean water or technical device to read this blog.
Somehow, I believe we can do better. We allow fear to keep us from doing the very things we need to do. Persuading others through our own inadequacies and lack of insight to do nothing ensures we never step out of our comfort zone, make progress or change the world.
Failing is a far better gift than doing nothing.
Losing is a lesson in improvement.
And winning is the opportunity to start over again!
Don’t listen to the advice of naysayer’s, family members or best friends. Live your dreams. Seek out those who encourage your goals. Surround yourself with positive people who transcend hope, imagination and fuel your passion to persist with excellence.
 We’ve only got today and it’s our chance to do-
 Something Meaningful that Matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Difference Makers!

Photo courtesy of: Silicone Prairie News.
Several days ago, I wrote a blog about the apparent political choices inducing a negative outcome between government, employers and employees. The day after the election some companies began to introduce massive layoffs and/ or the reduction of full-time jobs with benefits. I failed to cover some obvious positive possibilities during that blog due to time constraints. So let’s talk about the upside to another seemingly down-economy.

The best time to start your own business is now

The corporate uncertainty has created a seam within industries. Some corporations cease performing specific functions for consumers due to overall costs. Perhaps you know of a simple way to streamline one of those lost services and can start your own business by offering a solution without the overhead or added cost. The idea doesn’t have to be original, it just needs to provide income and grow.

Hours cut, remember that business idea you had? 

You have the window of opportunity to attempt to make it happen. Use your free time creatively and work up a business plan to start your own business. Keep it simple and effective. Focus on specific ways to bring your product or services to market, and then do the additional research as required.

Some other tips:

·        Seek advice from those with a positive knowledge of experience. Don’t waste your time or energy discussing your plan with people who failed, family members who don’t understand or friends who don’t really care. This is the recipe for failure! While they may have good intentions this will produce nothing worth the time or effort.

·        Seek out those in online forums or send emails direct to someone who has professionally succeeded. You’d be surprised how many people will respond with helpful information. Virtually every function necessary to run a business is freely available through the Internet. Study the choices- some are free; others are costly.  

·        Attend business seminars or ask questions of others in small business or local entrepreneurs. Again, helpful advice is at your fingertips. It’s not like you’re asking for secret ingredients!

·        Some small businesses or agencies provide locations (space) to run your operation. Perhaps you need a kitchen setup or a small room for machinery. Spaces can be leased and sometimes grants are available to fund those startups. If not, maybe lease a small building and start your own business leasing space.

I was discovered many choices and sources available when I decided to author and self-publish my book. I studied options and researched the choices extensively to find a suitable situation.

One of the simple pleasures in life is building something and doing the work required to allow the process to mature. Becoming an entrepreneur or starting a small business isn’t something you do from beginning to end in one afternoon. But, it doesn’t require a degree or years of work either to start.

The quality of the people you seek information from and your own passion are the difference makers.

While being laid-off or having your hours reduced can be psychologically or cash crippling, it gives us that one opportunity we’ve possibly never had- to live our dream and do something meaningful!

When the economy is suffering for some, new roads become available.

Don’t allow a scheme to pigeon-hole you into sleep, depression or suicide.

Find your passion or dream, start living and feeling alive.

That’s all we really need! 

I’d love to hear your comments, views or ideas. Feel free to contact me with your questions!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Checkout Anytime you Like, But you Can Never Leave

In one of Seth Godin’s recent blogs, I was inspired by several notions and wisdom.

Some valuable lessons from Seth’s blog:

·         Associate closely with those who emphasize and are experienced with productive failure.

·         Surround yourself with those who are motivated to make a difference daily.

·         Breakthroughs throughout history (music, software, athletics) are geographically located by attracting tribes of followers.

·         Relocate if you must, in order to join the tribe and become part of the creativity.

You can Checkout Anytime you Like, But you Can Never Leave

Living in the rust belt isn’t a place where ideas are flowing. The mindset is often discouraging and anti-productive. Consequently, it’s tough seeking out others with the same ambitions, goals and desires. Our local community is full of people who have experienced failure. The problem is few understand the greatness accumulated from productive failure.

Same Old Story

Many people in the rust belt have followed the status quo all of their work life only to be laid-off or shuttered from the industrial age.  Lacking other skills and every ounce of confidence shattered by the belief in a system that by being compliant ensured their success (until someone, somewhere else, could perform the duties cheaper). The low self-esteem, depression, shame and prevailing attitudes prevent those folks from moving on.  Creativity stripped from their souls.

Heart of Gold  

We have people within the community who want to make a difference. Many churches, organizations and people with huge hearts have donated selflessly their time, money and energy. But we need more.

We need people who can break down barriers and actually solve social issues. Instead of wasting funding (because we’ve have always done it this way). We need new ideas to promote prosperity verses a lifetime of dependency through aid and charity. We need to teach those in poverty the skills necessary to provide a plan to change their life. Only then, we will see dramatic results.

Where the Action Is

When I think of geographical breakthroughs music most often comes to mind. Prevailing musical styles and trends have always been a source of crowd sourcing and formation of human tribes. New Orleans (jazz), Nashville (country music), Seattle (Grunge), England (The Beatles) easily come to mind. It’s no accident software start-ups were created in certain parts of the USA.

Many of the most unique writers, financial experts and life coaches  are all located near Nashville Tennessee. Dave Ramsey, Jon Acuff, Michael Hyatt, Dan Miller and a host of other folks reside near Nashville.

One of my former classmates, Terri Lynn Weaver (who I played in a rock band with), is the first female State Representative within the State of Tennessee. Prior to her political achievement, Terri recorded a #1 Christian hit record and won a Dove Award. She is one of the sweetest and genuine people you could ever meet. Well done-Terri!

Former Cleveland native, drummer, Jimmy Clark and his beautiful wife are involved in the Nashville music scene and are great people! Jimmy has worked tours with Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, Taylor Swift and Van Halen, along with many other big names in the music scene, through his Nashville connections. There really aren’t many recording artists in Nashville, Jimmy hasn’t toured with or provided the backbeat for during his career.

Coincidence? I think not. It seems personality, wealth and success have a common factor just like fashion, music, software, architecture and cuisine- the act of creativity has its own geographical reaction.

Easy Livin’?

I’ve definitely got Nashville on my mind for a future location to live.  Surrounding ourselves with people thriving on ideas, creativity, and success is exciting, motivating and stimulating!

People will flock in droves to the latest trend or the next “big thing.”

When will a breakthrough occur in the rust belt?

Who will lead us from the rust belt to the success belt?

Somehow, I believe Seth Godin has better wisdom.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A September to Remember

September is nearly over. We had initially planned to attend a conference or workshop during September.  Our plans backfired due to some unexpected bills and extending my vacation days over Labor Day Weekend to clean-up the house.

Although we missed both of this year’s events, we are already looking forward to next year!

I recently read successful people attend workshops and conferences in order to mix ideas, communicate, meet new people with similar goals and become recharged about your passion in life.
Here in the rust belt, we could use a little motivation to fire-up our passion.

Coaching with Excellence

My original plan was to attend Dan Miller’s Coaching with Excellence workshop in Franklin, Tennessee. Dan Miller is the best-selling author of No More Dreaded Monday’s and 48 Days to the Work You Love. Dan Miller recently released a new book co-written with his son, Jarad Angaza entitled- Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate (read the book review here). Dan Miller also has two websites with loads of community assistance, classes and podcasts at and   
From the reviews of the three-day event we missed an excellent opportunity to learn about our abilities and choices in the coaching field. The event was full of insightful knowledge and it was an opportunity to meet new friends with the same interests. Did I forget to mention the food is excellent?

Quitter Conference

Jon Acuff’s Quitter Conference was held late last week in Brentwood, Tennessee. Jon is a successful speaker, blogger and author.  Jon is the author of Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job and Dream Job. Jon is a team member of the Dave Ramsey staff.
The event was sold out and it would have been a great time listening to Jon and his guest speakers. Many of those attendance have authored books, established their work in the coaching field and technology. The opportunity to meet and speak with many of those faces I’ve seen or heard online or read their books and material would have been inspirational as well!


Writer Jeff Goins, author of Wrecked was a featured speaker at the Quitter Conference and subsequently was able to interview Jon Acuff.
This is one of the reasons building a network of people is so important. Opportunities grow from the circle of friends established. One of the neat things- is it happens when you least expect it!

Speaking of Least Expecting

I signed up for Twitter the other day. One of the people I am following is author Chris Guillebeau of The Art of Non-Conformity and The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future.” Surprisingly, Chris is following me on Twitter. Twitter is a pretty neat application. I don’t know how people find the time for all this activity. I’ve discussed Chris previously in my work.
Chris just returned from visiting his 188th country- Seychelles. He only has 5 countries left to complete his goal of visiting all 193 countries in the world. What an amazing life having the freedom as an entrepreneur on your own terms.



Seasons Change

Soon the leaves will be changing colors and it will be a nice time to take a short drive to Amish country. It’s always a laid back trip to observe the goods, lifestyle and entrepreneurship of the Amish community.
Did I forget to mention the food is excellent?

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Government Cure?

Document photo used courtesy of: roberhuffstutter.

While reading Wisdom Meets Passion: WhenGenerations Collide and Collaborate written by Dan Miller and Jarad Angaza, I came upon an interesting piece of information. There are people living in the United States, who for three or four generations have been living on government welfare programs.

Obviously, the system has failed us a long time ago.

I have sympathy for those who've lost a job, family or home. What I oppose is how a system designed to temporarily help those in need actually keeps people “stuck” in the system.

The current setup provides no hope, inspiration or incentive to improve their lives or become employable.

Free Ride

While attending school, each quarter I noticed a trend. I would see the arrival of many new students receiving classes and books paid for by state and government subsidization. In most cases, the students slowly dropped out of class. I recall several women bringing their babies to class.

It irked me to no end that most had no interest in learning or obtaining a degree for free.  I repeat- for Free! Wasting tax payer’s money, each semester, year after year!

Those folks didn’t have ambition to study or drag themselves to class. They didn’t seem to understand the purpose for attending class or care. Those that attended beyond a week or two couldn’t bother to do their homework assignments. A majority would withdraw or be absent during our first scheduled test.

The colleges are making a nice income from the subsidizations. In truth it’s just another free ride for some folks. I actually believe in some cases those “entitled students” thought someone would hand them a degree just for showing up. It was as if they were isolated from the world.

Why? Because our system has taught them that there is no requirement, no cost, and in most cases no hope. Set back, enjoy the ride, everybody owes you something because the state and government have been paying you for injustices for generations.

Socialism is Alive and Well in America.

We’ve successfully taught entitlement to scores of U.S. citizens. Too earn their trust, buy their vote; we’ve keep generation’s dependant on assistance, while believing the Federal Government is looking after their best interests. In truth it has served to keep those folks trapped within their poor existence.

Due to the fact that the system hasn’t given you whatever it is you want the choice is to blame someone. Become angry, resentful and filled with hate. Blame everyone, the rich, the middle class and anyone else who doesn’t reward you with entitlements.

Mandatory Testing

We should have drug testing mandatory for anyone seeking welfare. There must be an indoctrination or introductory class for students (required to attend with guidelines established and met) prior to subsidized educational funding. Let’s not waste our time, their time or precious funding courtesy of the U.S. tax payers.

The Government Cure?

If you have no desire or passion to apply yourself or do the work, no amount of subsidized money will correct your problem. No magic wand will touch your mind and make something happen. No government or state can cure your problem.

It isn’t where you live or what you’ve lacked. It doesn’t matter at all in today’s world. We have choices available to us more than any other previous generation.

Many people have overcome (physical, psychological and emotional) obstacles in life to better themselves. Some of us have to work harder or longer than others in order to achieve results.

The truth is change begins within you!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.