Monday, December 31, 2012

Do Something Meaningful


In a previous blog, I reported spotting a dog in a nearby park system upon driving home from work. I recalled reading on an employee’s bulletin board a story of a missing dog. The dog owner’s home had been burglarized and the thieves peppered sprayed the young dog. The door must have been open and the traumatized pup ran away despite wearing a radio-controlled collar.
I returned to my place of work and contacted the owners.
I drove by the park area again the next day (Friday) after work after I previously contacted the owners. The mixed-breed pup darted across Park Avenue West in Mansfield, Ohio during rush-hour traffic. How it kept from getting hit was probably an act of divinity on that icy day. I turned the car around and spotted the dog near the entrance to South Park.
 I stopped the car and (not remembering the dogs name from the “wanted” poster), got out of the car, attempting to coax the young dog towards me. He looked at me long enough that I recognized the radio-controlled collar on his neck. The dog turned around, pranced away and after about 20 yards distance from me, stopped, barked once, and headed back towards the busy intersection.
I had failed.
I drove back to my place of work and called the dog owners who confirmed from my description of the collar and coat, it was their missing dog “Buckeye.” They said they would drive down to our park system and look for the dog. I informed them I would also go back and search. I found the owners in the park and we couldn’t spot “Buckeye” at all.
We were disappointed and the owner stated he would walk through the entire park on Saturday. My wife and I drove through the park system on Saturday evening after a wedding searching for the dog. I know the drive scared her as we drove around North Lake Park and were followed closely by another car. The only relief came when we noticed two police cruisers sitting in the park.
At this point “Buckeye” had been missing for a week and the cold weather along with another new snowstorm and freezing temperatures had me realizing the young pup’s chances of surviving the elements, traffic and lack of food were running out.
I attempted to drive through the parks the next week after work and whenever I went through town. Nothing, Buckeye had disappeared.
Earlier this week we had a fire in downtown Mansfield, Ohio. It was reported two dogs died during the fire inside the house which was being used strangely enough, for storage. I prayed “Buckeye” wasn’t one of those poor dogs.
Then I received this email today:
Were you the person who called me about the missing dog?! I hope so because I wanted to let you know we found him in Middle Park on the Saturday before Christmas! He was very dirty and smelly but otherwise OK and he slept for the next 3 days! Thank you so much for your persistence, Buckeye made it home for Christmas!

My prayers had been answered. The young pup had been re-united after a terrible ordeal of theft. The last day of the year I realized this would be the most meaningful achievement I accomplished all year. I put my heart and soul in finding “Buckeye” and was successful. I am happy for the family.

Happy New Year and Thank you

After less than 6 months and 114 posts of The Rust Belt Chronicles on my audience has reached 7,000 people from around the world. I couldn’t remain inspired without your views, comments and caring.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart while looking forward to 2013 and-  
Doing something meaningful that matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Seth Godin, Arsonists and Buckeye Updates

I began reading Seth Godin’s new book- The Icarus Deception: How High will You Fly?. You can view the trailer here. I am hoping to finish the book and do a review shortly thereafter. Don’t hesitate to pick-up a copy of this enlightening book on becoming a remarkable artist and standing-out in the new Industrial Revolution!
The Icarus Deception is being released on December 31st.

Update on previous post
The local authorities are still holding a suspect in possible connection to the series of 49 acts of arson related fires in downtown Mansfield, Ohio since June of 2012. A second suspect (with a history of arson) was just sent to prison for other crime(s).
If either or both of these individuals were responsible this would indicate the latest 2 acts of arson (on the same night) could have been ignited by copycat arsonists or a larger network of firestarters.
We had another fire yesterday during the day downtown and firefighters don’t believe it was due to arson. The home was used for storage and two dogs lost their life inside during the fire. I am hoping “Buckeye” wasn’t one of those dogs and is safe and sound somewhere on this cold and snowy night!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Are You a By-Product of The Industrial Age?

If you spent your time at work attempting to work faster and harder you’re a by-product of the Industrial Age.
If your company slogan was work smarter, not harder- you’re a by-product of the Industrial Age.
If the organization you work for splatters the community with billboard and newspaper advertisements’ its marketing believes it’s still lives in the Industrial Age.
If the hierarchy of the organization cuts benefits, bonuses, pay and reduces employees you are witnessing the collapse of the Industrial Age.

The Death of Mass

At one time mass production, care or infrastructure depended solely on vast quantities of paper, pencil, presses and people. Technology slowly changed the process, eliminating some of the previous sources of reliance and input. Computers, software, robotics and automation streamlined the services.
During its heyday- mass marketing was a favorite strategy used by public relations to convince the public to buy, use or choose their product. Mass campaigns were created to extend social awareness and earn trust as a reliable business source.
If we look a little closer, we will notice those businesses have attempted to create the least amount of risk to produce (your company’s category here) for the masses. Some businesses have mastered this concept for decades. Sadly, some are still attempting to emulate and continue to miss the point of change.
The Industrial Age is dying a slow, painful death.
If your organization is run by a board of directors who only observe the accountants bottom line; you are in trouble. Goods and services can only be dumbed down so far, eventually the products or services must be scaled to offset costs. This affects the employees and contrary to the belief of management- the customer.

Our Only Option

We now live in a new Industrial Revolution. An age consisting of small, global and connected ventures with people who share, work together and connect for a common cause. Agile, socially responsible and unique. We earn our customers RESPECT through personal trust, care and remarkable stories that spread.
Our board members are real people who understand our purpose and cause:
To do Something Meaningful that Matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Mansfield, Ohio - Slowly Burning

A week ago, downtown Mansfield, Ohio suffered acts of arson#48 and #49 (simultaneously) since June. Apparently, the authorities were holding two individuals in jail while considering filing charges, when the two fires ignited. Since nobody has been charged, I’m assuming the suspect’s were released. One of the individuals had a previous history of arsons.
I still believe these acts of arson are somehow related to the $2.1 million SAFER (FEMA) grant money awarded to Mansfield and the push to hire 15 firefighters. Despite a $6,000.00 reward the neighbors to these acts of arson are just like Sgt. Schultz of Hogan’s Heroes fame.
Will we suffer our 50th act of arson in downtown Mansfield, Ohio prior to the New Year?
Despite the snow, I wouldn’t bet against it. With a major portion of boarded-up houses, the downtown area is an easy picking for the prey. There are also many houses with boarded-up windows and tenants living within the homes. Mansfield has been fortunate to avoid human casualties since the fires began in June, but how long until innocent lives are lost?
If you know something, please contact the authorities or contact me. Playing the “hear no, see no evil” wildcard isn’t a solution or a humane response.
Arson is simply a form of terror and Fear is never the answer.
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Icarus Deception/Seth Godin Amazes Again!

Tonight, I finally plan on opening my Kickstarter package from author Seth Godin. I contributed to Seth’s project on Kickstarter awhile ago and although I received the package nearly two weeks ago; I wanted to wait to open the package. The package contains Seth’s new book, The Icarus Deception- How High Will You Fly?. A limited edition book known as the “behemoth” book is also included (it weighs 19 lbs.) and contains a years of Seth’s daily blogs, along with (I’m sure), some surprises.
You’re probably wondering why I waited nearly 2 weeks to open the box.
Well I was going to wait until Christmas, but since my wife and I didn’t purchase gifts for each other, I didn’t want her to feel left-out. Another reason is once I read the book I know I will have to wait quite awhile until Seth publishes another new book.
For me, Seth Godin’s books are just like other’s experience of purchasing Apple products.
The information is so specialized with ideas and the insight is full of vigor, excitement and motivating thoughts for business and life. Plus, I can’t wait to see what other goodies may be in the box.
Seth Godin often writes about where we’ve been and where we should be going. Mr. Godin’s comprehension of education, marketing, business and making art breaks down the truth behind the entire old Industrial Revolution and pushes us to excel towards tomorrow. No one has a better pulse on the future of the marketplace.

Not 1 or 2 but 3 books- WOW!

The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly? is available TODAY through
(Left-image used courtesy
The “behemoth” edition will be released to the public as a smaller edition entitled: Whatcha Gonna do with That Duck and other provocations 2006-2012; but the cool thing about the limited edition giant book is Seth listed all of us who backed his Kickstarter project by name within the book.
Seth Godin is also making available a third book, V is for Vulnerable: Life Outside the Comfort Zone. The new book includes artwork illustrations by Hugh Macleod and contains 26 of Seth’s basic principles in ABC format for adults.
Looks like I have a lot to read to fill the void. Thanks, Seth!
 (Image-left used courtesy of:
Pretty cool, indeed.
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Monday, December 24, 2012

T'was the Night before Christmas!

I wanted to take the opportunity to wish all of my readers and followers a Merry Christmas. I am already looking ahead towards the New Year for some exciting changes including new products to develop, some exciting interviews for the Rust Belt Chronicles and growth.
But for now, let’s focus on the true meaning of Christmas and celebrate with family, friends and (even) strangers. Going out of our way to make someone’s day special and memorable is worthy and noble. Putting a smile on somebody’s face is a way to show we care.
It’s the season of giving, not receiving.
Helping the homeless, visiting the nursing home or reaching out to someone in need are ways to share the Christmas spirit with others.
Last week, I noticed a flyer with a photo of a missing dog at my workplace. Their home had been broke into a week ago and the robbers sprayed their pet with pepper spray and although it had a radio-controlled collar it escaped from their home and yard.
While driving near our 3-park area on a icy day after work on Friday, I spotted the dog, turned the car around and pulled into the park to coax the young pup. It stared at me, turned around and ran the opposite direction towards traffic and another park.
I drove back to work, got the owner’s phone number from the flyer and contacted the couple; who verified it was their dog. The couple drove to the park which I already had returned too, to help find “Buckeye.” The mixed-breed (part shepherd), white with brown spots, was nowhere to be found.
After attending a wedding Saturday evening, my wife and I drove through the park system to locate the dog, to no avail. The owner said he was going to walk through the parks on Saturday. I hope they find their pup!
At least I gave them hope in finding that puppy!
On Christmas Eve day, I took a drive to our local Toy Time organization to drop off some toys for needy children. Unfortunately, they were closed. So my next thought was to watch for a child I could surprise with a few gifts. After picking up some groceries and walking to my car; another car parked beside me in the parking lot. In the car were a mother and a little girl around 5 years old.
I asked the mother of the small child if she would be interested in the gifts. The mother asked her daughter and her little face lit up with happiness. I gave her the gifts and she thanked me and wished me- a Merry Christmas.
One out of two good deeds isn’t bad because it’s the thought that matters most!
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Book Review- Makers: The New Industrial Revolution by Chris Anderson

As I began reading Chris Anderson’s newest book- Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, I knew Chris had written another masterpiece. It wasn’t based on the fact he was a best-selling author of The Long Tail or the former Editor of Wired Magazine. No, the title and opening story was all I needed to know this is a ground-breaking book. The title relates to the new Industrial Revolution and the opening story is also something my Dad modernized after Chris’s grandfather invented- the automatic sprinkler system.
Chris Anderson’s grandfather; Fred Hauser invented the underground sprinkler system and the patent in 1943. Within the book Chris discusses modernizing the sprinkler system with sensors to measure the moisture in the soil. My Dad designed and tinkered until he modernized this product around 1980. He just couldn’t find a source to license the idea.
This was before the Internet and like Chris’s grandfather; Dad was great at tinkering, figuring out how things worked, re-designing and inventing. He just had no idea how to seek the right sources to bring a product to market. If Dad were alive today, odds are, after reading Chris Anderson’s new book, he could have done it all.
Chris points out one of the most exciting facts of this new revolution: anyone with a credit card and a laptop can start their own company or manufacture their own products. The days of mass are going the way of the old Industrial Revolution. We live in a generation that can produce unique products cheaply and compete with the West. The DIY (do-it-yourself) movement began in the 1980’s with the music industry and has progressed using technology to allow any inventor to become an entrepreneur. (Above left-photo used coutesy of: Pop!Tech).
This book gives you the details on how to start your own movement and gives you the tools and information to get involved at the ground floor of the New Industrial Revolution. Chris Anderson calls this movement the Maker movement.  
The Maker movement is:
·        About being small and global.
·        Its high-tech meets low-cost.
·        The power of being innovative by using the Web to spread ideas.
·        Collaborating with others on ideas and projects that could develop entire industries or movements.
Makers: The New Industrial Revolution focuses on the techniques to bring a product to life such as 3D printing. The world of 3D printing is a fascinating technology. Anyone with CAD software, a file and a 3D printer can design and create a product using plastic, or metal. Other raw sources will be developed as technology keeps advancing.
Chris Anderson covers the basics of 3D robotics and desktop 3D scanning, the Arduino platform which eliminates the need for a middle man in the entire process. He writes about Web-based manufacturing featuring on-demand products to alleviate the need of a physical inventory. Open-source hardware and software is also an exciting progression of the Web initiative.
Mr. Anderson gives us examples of new open-source companies such as: Local Motors, Tesla, Sparkfun, Arduino, and Hibaba. Buying stock in these businesses may be a lucrative investment. The phenomena of “crowdfunding” are presented through discussions of Kickstarter, RocketHub, Crowdfunder and Lancht.
Whether you are an inventor, designer or ever had the idea of starting your own company, Makers: The New Industrial Revolution is bound to open your eyes to an exciting world of technology never dreamed possible, where anyone can be a manufacturer merely with a credit card and laptop.
Chris Anderson has given us the tools, power and assistance to enter a new era. It’s up to us to take the blueprint of Makers: The New Industrial Revolution and bring America back to being the leader in the manufacturing industry, once again!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Friday, December 21, 2012

McDonalds - Where's the Beef?

I often write suggesting the need for organizations and individuals to stand-out, go beyond expectations in their business, career and life. Companies should strive to reward employees for providing that “wow” factor. Unfortunately at McDonald’s it’s a dismissal to go the extra “sprinkle.” Suddenly, those golden arches aren’t so golden.
McDonalds was the original fast food restaurant for the masses. Be it your first or 1,000 visit at any McDonalds in the world the look, taste of the food or building specs was built on consistency. The uniformed fast-food business assured everything sold was identical, no variation what-so-ever.
Those were the days, when fast-food was quick. Taking the family out to eat was a cheap form of entertainment and for the factory worker or businessman it was a quick source for lunch. It gave Mom a chance to get away from cooking and you never knew who you might see at the restaurant to socialize with.  
 Ray Kroc pioneered the future of fast-food as a corporate entity marketed towards kids, young families and fun. Ray was the first to offer a drive-through service and uniquely identified his locations with those famous visually attractive (at the time) golden arches. Later he promoted the clown, Ronald McDonald, while building child playgrounds on location for the kids.
In later years, McDonalds marketing has focused towards young teenagers targeting lower income groups. Creating the McCafe` drink island has proved a successful competitor against the pricing at Starbucks.  The corporation has donated millions of dollars through charity with its Ronald McDonald Houses and other associated charities and should be commended for their fine work.
The firing of an employee for simply providing extra sprinklings of chocolate pieces on a desert is outlandish. Providing that little “happy meal” by adding a little extra scoop of toppings shouldn’t have been reason for a firing, it should be encouraged to provide a customer with a “wow’ experience. At maximum a verbal warning to the employee would have been more appropriate, since it involved a dastardly low-paid co-worker (pun intended).
After all, let’s not allow those employees to think on their own or outside-the-box. No sir- let’s make sure they conform to the sameness of the organization like its 1955.
If the cost is too expensive to rationalize freebies then notate on the menu, the cost per extra scoop. Perhaps raise the price (slightly) of a McFlurry and offer free extras.  What’s next rationing salt and ketchup?
Perhaps this is why I ask for an extra-sweet Latte and rarely receive the extra additives. I don’t mind paying for it either. But this isn’t about the money, it’s about something Ray Kroc understood well-
It's about giving the people what they want!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Failing, Losing and Winning

We don’t encourage people to be creative. Rarely, do we ask people to do something meaningful.
We spend far more time telling folks:
·        No- you can’t.
·        You have no experience.
·        Somebody else has already done it.
·       Nobody's ever done it.
·        You don’t have the money, education or time.
·        It won’t work.
·        You better get permission.
·        I’d talk with a lawyer first.
And the ultimate sabotage responses:
·        You’ll fail.
·        You’ll never make it.
·        You’ll go broke and starve.
·        You won’t be able to survive.
·        You’ll die.
How often do we say- “That’s a great idea, I think you should go for it?”
That’s what I thought.
We shoot someone’s hope, dream and possible future down quickly. If everyone followed our own fearful advice, there’d be no electricity, surgeons, automobiles, medicine, clean water or technical device to read this blog.
Somehow, I believe we can do better. We allow fear to keep us from doing the very things we need to do. Persuading others through our own inadequacies and lack of insight to do nothing ensures we never step out of our comfort zone, make progress or change the world.
Failing is a far better gift than doing nothing.
Losing is a lesson in improvement.
And winning is the opportunity to start over again!
Don’t listen to the advice of naysayer’s, family members or best friends. Live your dreams. Seek out those who encourage your goals. Surround yourself with positive people who transcend hope, imagination and fuel your passion to persist with excellence.
 We’ve only got today and it’s our chance to do-
 Something Meaningful that Matters!
Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver
Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!
Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Newtown, Connecticut- We feel your loss!

Words can’t describe the numbness felt upon hearing the news of the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. 20 first-grade students and 7 adults mercilessly gunned-down by pure evil. Innocent children taken from their families and loved-ones.

What kind of sick individual guns down his own defenseless mother, school children and teachers?

 Some were hero’s laying down their own lives attempting to stop the carnage and save the children. Other school personnel did save many lives, unscathed from gunfire, but emotionally scarred from something so evil, no child should ever witness.

Our heavy hearts, prayers and thoughts are with the children, family and friends of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Your grief is our grief. Your loss is our loss.

May the Lord grant you peace, comfort and wisdom in your healing process. Those hearts and little souls are in a far better safe place. A place that is safe from pain, sorrow, sickness and death. Rejoice in the fact you will one day be united again!

My wife and I extend our deepest sympathy to all of you in Newtown Connecticut.  


Jim and Jane Carver

Friday, December 14, 2012

10 reasons- Why You Should read This Book!

10 reasons why you should read the book:

1.  It was written from the heart.

2.  It is a success story. We get bombarded daily with bad news stories; it’s time to read something positive!

3.  It was written to honor a friend and outstanding organization.

4.  It is an enjoyable, interesting read of winning, losing, pride, joy, sweat, laughter, and tears.

5.  It is a timeless story of visionary leadership and motivation.

6.  It provides key principles for any individual or group to become successful and improve their lives.

7.  It will make you want to read it again and again.

8.  It has pictures of pretty girls and students wearing funny shaped hats.

9.  It's something you owe to yourself to read.

10.  It's- Something Meaningful that Matters!

25% Christmas Discount

 Send a check or money order for $24.00 (includes snail mail delivery) to:
Paradiddle Publishing
PO Box 984
Mansfield, Ohio 44903
 Order from this website (on the right side of page)!
This book is the perfect gift for a current music student, ex-band member or simply anyone who wants to be inspired by motivation, perseverance, innovation and success. Most importantly, it’s about the impact one person can make within other’s lives.  

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver

Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Disclaimer- Books and links on this website contain affiliate marketing sources between Jim Carver and third party companies. I only recommend products, brands and businesses that I strongly support. Photos used on this site are used courtesy of the original authors and in no way endorse The Rust Belt Chronicles or my work. Thank you.