Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fly like an Eagle

Living in the Rust Belt has taught us a valuable lesson. The odds of working at one company throughout our entire career are about as likely as pigs learning to fly.

With the economy suffering, many people are unemployed. What better time to start your own business?

Photo used courtesy of: Ricymar Fine Art Photography. 
Starting a business can be simple. Just figure out a need and deliver the results. Just offer a simple need that people are looking for in their daily lives. I know it sounds easy, but it’s true.

Now here’s the tricky part:

Whatever you decide to do- do it better than anyone else. Take the time to reflect on how you can provide something and add enough value to the service to make yourself stand-out! Impressing your customers goes a long way with referrals and loyalty.

If you want to be successful and compete against existing business you must do something the competition doesn’t do.

Marketing yourself is crucial for your starting your own business. Figure out your niche business and how to reach your clientele. Perhaps business cards or flyer's might be all that you need. Internet sources such as experienced professionals, group forums, Google searches or associated organizations are among those who can provide useful information. Don’t be afraid to steal an idea.

Feel free to email me with any questions you have.

Persistence and time are your friends in this process. Stand by their side and you will eventually prosper.

Perhaps you will need a simple website to get started. Google and WordPress offer free access to building your own website. Another option would be to hire someone to create a site specific for your needs or purchase a premium site through WordPress.org.

There are many excellent books and social media sites available to pickup tips, facts and provide education for entrepreneurship, creating websites and marketing with social media.
Author: Chris Guillebeau

 The $100 Startup has a wealth of great start-up ideas and solid time-tested methods towards achieving success. Many of the entrepreneurs discussed in the book started with $100.00 or less to create their own income or small business. Chris keeps things simple within a do-able formula to launch your idea.

I can’t think of a better time to experience the freedom of being an entrepreneur. Immerse yourself in learning how to create a future income in something you love to do. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune; require multiple college degrees or an army of employees and an array of real estate.

The educational opportunity alone is priceless.
Besides, why wait for pigs to fly when you can fly like an Eagle today!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bigger = Better?

Businesses spent huge sums of dollars advertising their product or specialty; yet the closest contact often fails to engage the customers.

Does anyone actually listen to the "Big Box" greeter?

Photo by: dno1967b.
Nothing against the greeter, but why not allow the employee the freedom to express himself in his message? The opportunity exists to create a remarkable first impression, instead of allowing the employee to bore everyone with a script message.

The message you are sending is the workers aren’t creative, can’t be trusted, or have the ability to think for themselves.

We employ computer geeks whose only ambition is to earn a commission. The next time you purchase a computer do your own research on a specific product and ask the sales person a few questions. It is shocking to hear the answers or observe their lack of knowledge. The big box store trains the employees to be “pushy”, aggressive and sell the additional warranty. Nothing else matters!

Sadly, this is part of the dumbing-down of the American worker and customers. The attempt to control the outcome has overtaken personalization.  The employees and customers are just a statistic.

We used to employ people and give them tools to work with to increase the company sales and the customer experience. We wanted to standout and prove we could make a difference from offering something in exchange for valuable insight.

 Instead, the message is “we are all the same.” You, me, the employee, everyone!

The good news is the Internet allows us to research and review any product available. Social media has given us the ability to discuss our questions before buying. No need for scripts or obnoxious sales people, just the facts and opinions.

The opportunity exists for smaller business to “dazzle” customers and build a following by word-of-mouth sales. Entrepreneurs know in order to compete with “big box” companies personalized service is a huge advantage. Many people want to see, touch and experience the product prior to purchasing.

The industrial age took us into mass manufacturing for the masses. The post-industrial age will lead us back to a simpler time. The return of the "mom and pop shops" that understands the need to give people what they really want is the future.

Give customers a unique quality experience and you have purchased their loyalty for life!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Something Meaningful, that Matters!

Something that I’ve found strange since I became an author, blogger and writer has bothered me for awhile.

I’ve noticed when the momentum of doing one action causes other reactions. Sometimes those “reactions” are choices. The publicity of doing one thing signifies public awareness and all of a sudden different offers seemingly cross your path. Those options are a result of the Law of Attraction.

The problem arises when opportunities do not align with your steps to success or your business plan. Those events can lead to what I term: “The Law of Detraction.”

In the last couple of years, I took on several added responsibilities that didn’t align with my plans. I chalked it up to gaining experience. Then you realize everyone isn’t on the same trail. The result is a pending train wreck. 

By accepting those kinds of proposals you are allowing others and yourself to interfere and derail your original focus. Once you direct all your energy towards the new goal, the main reason for your success stops.

A majority of people fielding offers don’t necessarily do so, to hurt you. But, some of them do so in an attempt to inadvertently control your output, feed their own ego or ride your coat tail.

Once the dust clears you realized you have lost all of your previous momentum, some time ago. Relationships are ruined and the path you once walked easily is cluttered with uncertainty.

We are only human and can only accomplish so much at one given time. We don’t posses magical powers or have the ability to turn something into success by merely being involved, signing on, or showing up.

My lizard brain (survival mode) has been in control. The resistance (FEAR) to do my best work has gotten in the way, far too long. This is how we sabotage ourselves.

My work during the day is performed best in solitude. At night, I write alone until the wee hours of the morning. The challenge is between me and my inner self. I like to have the option to control the outcome without interruption or noise. If I fail, I only have myself to blame. If I succeed, I have an audience to thank!

Never take your mind off your goal. Never let anyone deter your plan or stop you.

When you are doing something you love, don’t abandon it. Press on.

Persistence must be your strongest asset.

It's only then you will realize- you are doing- something meaningful that matters!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Who says- Rust Never Sleeps?

It was very encouraging to read Sunday’s articles appearing in the Mansfield News Journal concerning the entrepreneurs and the fact that North Central State College is offering certification classes for anyone interested.
Equally important is the role Braintree (based in Mansfield, Ohio) has taken by offering workspace, loans and business ideas to those starting a small business.

We are very fortunate in the Rust Belt of Ohio to have two possible sources for those considering launching their own startup business. I plan on seeking more information from both institutions and witnessing the excitement.

Mik Ballard and Carol Davis are living their dream producing “Mixblues Sauces.” A recipe and a kitchen was enough to make their idea become reality. The tasty sauces Mik and Carol create are stocked at local grocery stores and have customers overseas. Summer is a great time to try their sauces on the grill!

Former GM employee- Belinda Morgan has a unique startup idea entitled “Dreamsby offering custom built woodwork and allowing the customer to pick the type of wood and choose their own design. This is the type of business that can’t be performed overseas in mass manufacturing.  This could be a very lucrative business!

Ricardo Upchurch is already a startup entrepreneur with his own business- “Sweet Treats Down Memory Lane” located on West Fourth Street in downtown Mansfield, Ohio.  I need to visit his shop soon (don’t tell my dentist), my sweet tooth is calling!
Some of the entrepreneurs attending NCSC or Braintree will need loans or cash to start their businesses, others will require little financially. With the internet and the opportunity to network throughout different communities and cultures, 7-days a week, 24-hours a day, some will be amazed at the possibilities of earning a nice income.

As society moves to a post-industrial era, I believe the future lies with entrepreneurs and small businesses. Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated is now the largest employer in the USA. What a difference from 1972, when General Motors was the largest employer in the USA.

Today the world is different. The days of obtaining a high-paying manufacturing job is no longer part of the equation. The core of our future prosperity lies within those who dare to start something unique, original or different from the status quo.

Understanding the advantage in offering real life skills and useful resources in entrepreneurship is a huge step at North Central State College and Braintree in Mansfield, Ohio.

The opportunity for future entrepreneurs and small start-up businesses to absorb information, share ideas and prosper is our future.

My hat’s off to all of the entrepreneurs, the business startups, NCSC and Braintree.

 I wish you nothing but success in all of your future endeavors!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Groundhog Day?

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.

Enough is enough!

It’s time we stood up and stop the bleeding, bullying and bureaucracy.

Let’s turn around the Rust Belt by taking ownership and lead it in a new direction.

It’s time to rewrite the rules and take a different path.

Photo by: David St. Louis

Otherwise, every day will just be another Groundhog Day!

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Rust Belt Chronicles: The Hourglass

The Rust Belt Chronicles: The Hourglass: I have a passion for writing . I don’t have to depend on anyone but myself. If I don’t like what I’ve written I can use the backspace key ...

The Hourglass

I have a passion for writing. I don’t have to depend on anyone but myself. If I don’t like what I’ve written I can use the backspace key to delete it. I don’t need anyone’s approval or disapproval. My life is that simple.

Photo courtesy of: Ben Lucier.
My stories can be inspiring or merely average. The subject can be anything I choose or something simply to motivate others. The time it takes me to write a story or blog can range from minutes, hours, or days.

Sometimes one blog can be broken down to two or three different stories. It is inspiring to me when stories roll of my mind quickly and unexpectedly. I know it’s time to write a book when my creative writing reaches this threshold.

This is one of the advantages of writing nearly 300 blogs. A writer tends to improve by repetition. The journey begins when you decide to write.

Life gives us the opportunity to do something special or unique. Each day is another chance to turn your dream into reality.

The hourglass waits for no one. I choose to use it wisely!

I hope you do the same.

Until We Meet Again,
 Jim Carver Author: The Legacy of David A. Wells- The Lexington High School “Band of Gold”
Something Meaningful that Matters!